Entries by Jaan Pill

John English Junior Middle School SAC meeting is at 7:00 pm, May 16, 2013

Below is the agenda: John English SAC Meeting Thursday, May 16, 2013, 7 – 8:30 pm AGENDA Welcome 7 – 7:05 Introductions Additional agenda items/other business Principal/Vice Principal’s Report 7:05 – 7:30 Board Business 7:30 – 8:30 Org chart Treasurer’s Report – year to date Fundraising Movie Night Dance-a-thon Year to date results Programs Schoolyard […]

David Switzer of Long Branch shares his comments regarding plans for sand beach at Marie Curtis Park

I’m pleased to have the opportunity to post the following comment from David Switzer of Long Branch concerning the sand beach at Marie Curtis Park. I share his comments in the spirit of reporting on an ongoing conversation. I am pleased that ongoing communications regarding the Mississauga Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment Project are proceeding in […]

Plans regarding sand beach at Marie Curtis Park: Response from Kenneth Dion, Toronto and Region Conservation

Update: An August 6, 2013 post, among others in the Etobicoke Creek Category at this website, provides an update to this post. [End of update] In previous blog posts, I’ve described plans discussed in the context of the Mississauga Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment Project regarding the sand beach at Marie Curtis Park between Etobicoke Creek […]

Public meeting on May 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm organized by Mimico Residents Association regarding Wesley Mimico redevelopment project

A public meeting regarding the Wesley Mimico United Church redevelopment will be held on May 15, 2013. Here are the details: Where: Mimico Baptist Church (80 Hillside Ave) When: Wednesday May 15 at 7:00 pm Additional details can be found here. [Click on link in previous sentence to access additional details.] Before I turned my attention […]