Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre presenting Mental Health Series Film Premiere, Wed., Oct. 4, 2017

I am pleased to share with you the following message from Jem Cain – – at the Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning: Hi Folks, Please share this information with anyone who might be interested: The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre is having a Mental Health Series Film Premiere on Wednesday, October 4. […]

Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1 (David sent this out on Sept. 9, 2017; I am slow in posting it)

The text from David Godley will follow my preamble to this post; if you want to skip the preamble, just go forward to the heading entitled: “Conserving Long Branch September 2017 Part 1.” Preamble from Jaan Pill I have changed “Toronto Local Appeal Board,” in David Godley’s text, to “Toronto Local Appeal Body,” as the […]

Artist and activist Ai Weiwei traveled to 23 countries to chronicle the global refugee crisis in the documentary, Human Flow

A CBC Radio Twitter message dated Sept. 28, 2017 features the following message: Ai Weiwei on his new documentary, Human Flow: Artist and activist Ai Weiwei traveled to 23 countries to chronicle the global refugee crisis in the documentary, Human Flow. It’s not an easy film to watch but he says it’s meant to feel alarming […]

Upcoming events: Lakeshore Hospital Grounds (e.g. Tunnel Tours; pre-registration is required)

Click here to access the list of events >  

Three articles of interest, with regard to story management of the Rohingya crisis

I have discussed Myanmar and related topics at a page entitled: Mindfulness meditation. A more recent post is entitled: Ongoing Rohingya crisis: Updates. The following two articles are of interest for me, because they explore a topic of particular interest to me, namely the connection between story and frame. A related topic concerns story management, […]

Joyce Moore of North Toronto has added a comment regarding “the same destruction of neighbourhoods by developers”

A recent post is entitled: May 2017 Update from David Godley: Committee of Adjustment & related topics At that post, Joyce Moore of North Toronto has added the following comment: I have read many of the letters on your website and I believe that the same destruction of neighbourhoods by developers who are interested in […]

Check out the Lakeshore Connecting Communities upcoming meetings in Mississauga on Sept. 26 and 27, 2017

You can access details at Lakeshore Connecting Communities. Previous posts about Mississauga Click here to access previous posts about Mississauga > Commentary My anecdotal evidence suggests to me that civic engagement in Mississauga is qualitatively different from civic engagement in Toronto. At the risk of generalizing (by which I mean there may be exceptions), civic […]

Ontario housing minister Peter Milczyn defends new rent control rules in face of report on negative impact

A Sept. 26, 2017 CBC article is entitled: “Ontario housing minister defends new rent control rules in face of report on negative impact: Minister says Ontario is monitoring the market and releasing surplus lands for purpose-built rentals.” The opening paragraphs read: Ontario’s housing minister defended government measures to cap rent in the province even though a […]

Recent Toronto air traffic noise review: Details available at

The following text is from an Eventbrite message connected with the review in question: Please be informed that the following information can be found on the Independent Toronto Airspace Noise Review website at : The Final Report The Review Presentation A video of the live presentation which took place on the 18th September, in Toronto. […]