Photo from Mississauga Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey regarding Farmer’s Market in Port Credit

In a July 15, 2017 tweet, which the Town of Port Credit retweeted (that being how I came across it, just now), a message from @JimTovey noted: Fiddling 4. The Farmers Market in @Portcreditbia. Beautiful music, beautiful day, great produce #shoplocal  

Six Points Interchange Reconfiguration is now underway

I attended a public meeting – in the form of an open house – at a Lithuanian   church located east of the Six Points Interchange some time back. I was pleased to receive an email today (July 14, 2017), indicating that construction at the Interchange is now underway. Click on the photos to enlarge them […]

John Stewart of Wiarton has shared some photos of the fire that destroyed the Long Branch Hotel in 1958

An earlier post is entitled: John Stewart of Wiarton has added a comment to a previous post about the 1958 fire at the Long Branch Hotel John Stewart lived for many years on Arcadian Circle in Long Branch. I met with John in Long Branch on July 12, 2017, and had the opportunity to scan […]

Ideology and evidence-based practice

Below are links that may be of interest. I have long had an interest in evidence and evidence-based practice. The value of evidence has been of interest for me for two reasons. First, as a reporter, I have learned the value of evidence, as it is practised in traditional print journalism. Secondly, I’ve had the […]

Support the OHS Crowdfunding Campaign for the John McKenzie House; Message forwarded by Geoff Kettel

I am sharing the following email message because I support this project. I have not worked (except in a small way) at the HTML formatting for this message, because I am about to go for a workout and I am not keen to spend time at a formatting task. In the event you would like […]

ACO newsletter: CBC Radio’s Day Six examines how remnants of Canada’s first Parliament Buildings unearthed under Toronto car wash

The following item is from a recent newsletter, available at this link, of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario: CBC Radio’s Day Six examines how remnants of Canada’s first Parliament Buildings were found underneath a Toronto car wash The car wash and dealership at King and Parliament Streets has long been known as the site where […]

Full historical record, as it relates to Indigenous and Settler history, is emerging in public consciousness

We’ve had extensive discussion, at this website, about a remarkable, and memorable, elementary school in Montreal that, in retrospect, played a strong and positive formative experience in my life, and in the lives of fellow students from the 1950s and 1960s, who attended Cartierville School. The school went back long before the 1950s. Among the posts […]

Work in progress: Better signage might save lives, at “Dead Man’s Curve” at southbound Brown’s Line

Updates At the end of this post, I have added updates from the local Councillor and MPP Offices. In particular, Councillor Mark Grimes has made a motion at Council for additional signage at the curve discussed at this post. [End]   This post is a work in progress. I’ve been thinking of writing this post […]

Klaas Vander Baaren adds a comment to a previous post about the caddy shack at the Marlborough golf club in Cartierville

Conserving Long Branch June 2017 Update 3 – David Godley

The following photo and attached messages are from David. Any Word document, that David sends, I convert at once into a PDF: 38 36th St 938coa[2] TLAB – Notice of Hearing The following message for June 2017 is from David Godley. Sometimes I fall behind in the posting of David’s messages. Today I’m catching up. David […]