Town of Port Credit Association shares comments about Port Credit Marina Lands Official Plan Amendment. Note also May 23, 2017 public meeting.

I have been following with interest the story of the Port Credit redevelopment process. However, I have not been following the details of the story closely. By way of publicizing, in a small way, some of the ongoing discussions, I am pleased to have the opportunity to share a message from the Town of Port Credit Association […]

Overview about South Mimico Creek Trail and other trail projects – TRCA presentation at LAMP, May 30, 2017, 7:00 pm

Planned construction on Runway 05/23 at Toronto Pearson has been completed – fall closure period no longer required

Update Work on the runway has stopped. Air Traffic Noise continues. [End]   For full text of a May 16, 2017 update from Toronto Pearson International Airport/GTAA, please click here > The source for the accompanying image – click on the image to enlarge it – is from a May 24, 2017 Atlantic article entitled: […]

Court battles, forgery allegations – CBC Toronto investigation reveals 3 men seeking control of condo boards in the city

A May 15, 2017 CBC article is entitled: “Condo clash: Court battles, forgery allegations and questions over who controls Toronto highrises: CBC Toronto investigation reveals 3 men seeking control of condo boards in the city.” The opening paragraphs, by CBC reporters By John Lancaster, Michael Smee, read: “Owners and property managers at several downtown condominium buildings are accusing […]

Four upcoming public meetings: 1 Blue Goose & GEMS of Etobicoke-Lakeshore; Pearson Airport; & 25 Audely St and 23 Buckingham St

The following information (aside from the GEMS item) is from the Lakeshore Planning Council. I am not a member of this group; however, I see value in the information this group, and a range of other sources, share with regard to upcoming public meetings and events. (Except for selective highlighting of a word here or […]

Volunteer Opportunity – CSA national coordinator – Canadian Stuttering Association

I am pleased to share the following message from Andrew Harding of the Canadian Stuttering Association. Opportunity – CSA national coordinator If you take pride in leading an organisation to improve the lives of people who stutter and their families, we have an unrivalled opportunity for you as national coordinator. Your vision and leadership will […]

Team of quick-thinking residents saves the life of muskrat-like creature stuck on Etobicoke Creek Bridge at Marie Curtis Park

On many days, I walk from the vicinity of the Long Branch TTC Loop in Etobicoke (Toronto) to the Small Arms Building in Lakeview (Mississauga) at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East. It’s a walk that I enjoy; over the years I’ve been documenting, at this website, the changes and events that have been taking place […]

When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach: Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress

A May 13, 2017 Arch Daily article is entitled: “Contemporary Housing to Reinforce Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress.” The opening paragraphs read: When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach. It must often strike a respectful, vernacular tone, whilst embracing the innovative, functional hallmarks of a modern building. This balance has particular relevance […]

REMINDER: You are invited to GEMS of Etobicoke-Lakeshore Awards Ceremony, Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 7 pm, The Assembly Hall, 1 Colonel Sam Smith Park Drive

Following message is from Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn’s Office: Do you know a Gem of Etobicoke-Lakeshore 2017? The Gems of Etobicoke-Lakeshore were created to recognize and appreciate outstanding small businesses, community and service organizations that are unique to South Etobicoke and make our community a more vibrant place to live, work and play. What are […]

Councillor Di Ciano meeting May 16, 2017 regarding possible new feeder road connecting Lakeshore & Queensway East of Park Lawn Rd

Click here for details about the meeting May 16, 2017 meeting > There is currently a Park Lawn/Lakeshore transportation master plan in the works which poses a possibility of a new feeder road connecting Lakeshore and The Queensway East of Park Lawn Rd. (around Stephen Dr. area). Join Councillor Di Ciano and City of Toronto Transportation […]