Pages 6 & 7 of Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Guidelines Draft focuses on 3.3 Building Elements

Update: A more complete and highly informative  overview of the contents of the Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines Draft Document  is available at the website of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes. We owe thanks to Councillor Grimes for the role that he and his office have played in the initiation and development […]

You Can Make Things Happen – Mississauga Culture: Community Meeting Dates: We see here a celebration of community engagement

Click here to access a February 10, 2017 Mississauga Culture message about Community Meetings Dates > You Can Make Things Happen The text of the message, from the link at the top of this page, reads: Have your say! We’ve added more dates to our Future Directions Culture Master Plan public meetings. Grab a friend […]

Pages 4 & 5 of Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Guidelines Draft focuses on 3.2 Height & Massing

Update: A more complete and highly informative  overview of the contents of the Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines Draft Document  is available at the website of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes. We owe thanks to Councillor Grimes for the role that he and his office have played in the initiation and development […]

Feb. 7, 2017 message from Jane’s Walk

Click here to access this Jane’s Walk message in your browser > At the above-noted link you can find the links and photos that are not included in the text below. Following message is from Jane’s Walk: Hello, friends of Jane’s Walk! The 2017 festival is officially in the works now and we are excited […]

Pages 2 & 3 of Guidelines Draft: Exmoor Drive above TTC Loop is now included in Long Branch Guidelines project

IBM’s hilltop fortress: Built Heritage News – Issue No. 256 | January 31, 2017 (click here)

Click here to access Built Heritage News – Issue No. 256 | January 31, 2017 > Here are some excerpts [to access the active links (below), go to the above-noted link]: 1. Follow Built Heritage News on Twitter and Facebook Catherine Nasmith writes: Subscribers may notice that Built Heritage News has been published less frequently, but […]

Advisory Group for Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines had a productive meeting on Feb. 7, 2017

Update: A more complete and highly informative  overview of the contents of the Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines Draft Document  is available at the website of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes. We owe thanks to Councillor Grimes for the role that he and his office have played in the initiation and development […]

Conserving Long Branch – February 2017 Update from David Godley

Following message is David Godley <> * Hello from Cool Long Branch * Contents 1) Status of applications 2) How to Proceed after the committee of Adjustment has made their decision. 3) Agenda TV program on the OMB 4) Awarding costs against participants 5) Local Appeal Board Meeting 6) Selection of Committee of Adjustment Members […]

Elements of storytelling include (4) focus on the backstage, (5) reinhabitation of places through narrative, and (6) open-endedness

1. Getting attention 2. Playing the role 3. Collaboration A previous post is entitled: Storytelling: Getting attention; playing the role; collaboration The above-noted post provides an overview of the three above-noted elements. In a comment at the post, I’ve referred, as well, to a fourth element, which has to do with the distinction between frontstage and […]

Ville St-Laurent, Quebec: Wartime housing and architectural change, 1942-92: Article by Annmarie Adams & Pieter Sijpkes (1994)