The blurb for Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (1998) closely matches the contents of the book

One-time free copy of Photographic Canadiana available at this link from Photographic Historical Society of Canada

Whereas cubist art varies from legible to illegible, the dominant model of critical interpretation of cubism has remained at all times legible

Neighbourhood associations work best when membership is inclusive; renters should always be included

Jennifer Pagliaro, City Hall Bureau, Toronto Star, has written a handy citizen’s guide to getting involved at city hall

Downtown Yonge St. has changed since 1975, but the range of personas that you encounter remains much the same

Diane Chapman has shared some awesome 1949 photos from the Long Branch Army Camp

Short Stories: Verbatim Theatre – Sat., Aug. 17, 2019, 10:10 am – 1:00 pm at Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre