Deputations related to Bill 139 (OMB Reform) hearings will be available on Hansard, some days after each hearing

Updates An Oct. 16, 2017 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Toronto tells province that clear planning reforms are needed as soon as possible: City officials praised the province’s plan to reform the OMB at a committee hearing while asking for a clear transition plan as the city sees an uptick in development applications.” According to […]

Hearings on Bill 139 (OMB Reform) took place on Oct. 16 & 17; Oct. 18 is comments deadline

Update In a previous version of this post, I noted the deadline for comments was Oct. 24 at 6:00 pm. That has changed. The deadline is now Oct. 18, 2017 at 5:00 pm. As well, the Oct. 23 and 24, 2017 hearings have been cancelled. [End]   I have recently learned that hearings on Bill […]

Comments from Colleen O’Marra regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website

The photo on the right of a small sample of artifacts from the 1984 dig at the Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site at 85 Forty First Street in Long Branch is from a blog post dated June 23, 2012. A previous post is entitled: Heads-up regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website At that […]

Recordings of Committee of Adjustment meetings are available from the City’s Customer Support Booking Centre

I have contacted the City’s Customer Support Booking Centre at 416-397-7220, and have ordered a copy of the Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment meeting held on May 4, 2017. I will be picking up my copy at the Customer Support Office in the basement of City Hall East Tower in downtown Toronto. The cost is […]

Comments from Jaan Pill regarding August 2017 Long Branch Character Guidelines draft

My previous comments, regarding an earlier, February 2017 version of the Long Branch Character Guidelines draft, are at a post entitled: Input from Jaan Pill of Preserved Stories regarding Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Guidelines Draft My current comments address the more recent, August 2017 version of the Guidelines draft. The latter draft, on which my […]

Plain Language Is for Everyone, Even Experts: Nielsen Norman Group, Oct. 8, 2017

An Oct. 8, 2017 Nielsen Norman Group article is entitled: Plain Language Is for Everyone, Even Experts.” The summary for the article reads: “Professionals want clear, concise information devoid of unnecessary jargon or complex terms. Plain language benefits both consumers and organizations.”  

Anna writes: The entire Brown’s Line at Lake Shore intersection “needs a redesign”

A previous post is entitled: Update regarding Dead Man’s Curve at Brown’s Line and Lake Shore Blvd. West. Commentary: An EARLIER warning would work much better A local resident, Anna, has offered the following comment, and has given me permission to post it: I appreciated hearing your thoughts on dead man’s curve. I have often […]

Please contact me, in the event you’d like to be on Preserved Stories email list

I send out an email newsletter on a regular basis (sometimes frequently, sometimes not frequently at all), to an email list that I keep track of on Microsoft Word. In the event you would like to be on this email list, please contact me via this website. I like to look after such details in […]

Re: Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) Info Session, Oct. 18, 2017 at 7:00 pm. David Godley outlines MAJOR procedural roadblocks with TLAB!

A previous post is entitled: Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) Info Session will take place at Assembly Hall, 7:00 pm, Oct. 18, 2017 David Godley has commented, regarding the meeting: “A unique opportunity to hear the Chair of TLAB explain the “New OMB” for Committee of Adjustment appeals.” He adds that that TLAB process “seems to […]

Air Traffic Noise: GTAA will examine 30 recommendations based on practices at similar airports around the world: Sept. 28, 2017 CBC article

Click here to access previous posts about Air Traffic Noise > A Sept. 28, 2017 CBC article is entitled: “GTAA to consider new strategies to cut down on aircraft noise at Pearson: The GTAA will examine 30 recommendations based on practices at similar airports around the world.” I attended the meeting by the airport where […]