Dundas Connects project at the City of Mississauga: Register today, and let’s build a better Dundas in Mississauga!

Dundas Connects is a City of Mississauga website inciting input from Mississauga residents in planning for the next steps for Dundas Street. A tweet from the City of Mississauga @citymississauga reads: Come out to our next #DundasConnects public meeting & tell us what you think about options for Dundas’ future! http://www.dundasconnects.ca The Dundas Connects website notes: “Our online […]

MPP Peter Milczyn Oct. 7, 2016 e-News Update – Including: “Possible Changes to OMB”

Click here for previous posts regarding Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn > [The following message is from MPP Peter Milczyn’s Constituency Office. I have not posted the images that are included with the message except for a few. However, a majority of the links are included; the ones not included can be found through a browser […]

Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) changes: Early October 2016 Toronto Star and CBC articles

An Oct. 5, 2016 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Province proposes limiting powers of Ontario Municipal Board: Review of powerful appeals body aims to give more consideration to local planning process.” An Oct. 6, 2016 CBC article is entitled: “Ontario Municipal Board review could tip scales away from developers: Province launched review Tuesday with the promise of […]

Remembering and understanding Jane Jacobs, beyond left and right (Globe and Mail, Sept. 30, 2016)

A recent post about Jane Jacobs is entitled:  Is Jane Jacobs blameworthy for gentrification?: Arguments for and against My friend Mike James has let me know about the following Sept. 30, 2016 article from the Globe and Mail: Remembering and understanding Jane Jacobs, beyond left and right The opening paragraph reads: Everyone has their own Jane […]

City of Ottawa set to permit smaller, second units (coach houses) in yards – Oct. 1, 2016 CBC article

An Oct. 1, 2016 CBC article is entitled: “The coach house rules: city set to permit small homes in yards: City has long had zoning for apartments within existing homes, but not for smaller, second units.” The opening paragraphs read: Ottawa home owners will soon be allowed to build coach houses in their yards, if new […]

Heritage Conservation District designation means drop in property values? University of Waterloo study indicates it does not

Does Heritage Conservation District designation lead to drop in property values? A University of Waterloo study published in 2000 indicates the market for such properties is, in fact, “robust”: Heritage Designation and Property Values: Is there an Effect? The abstract reads: This paper describes research that was designed to examine the assertion that historic designation of […]

Take your pick: Heritage Conservation Districts in Toronto (a) deaden past and future or (b) are long overdue

From time to time in recent years, there has been discussion regarding the concept of pursuing a Heritage Conservation District designation for some part or parts of Long Branch. Following two links, forwarded by Michael Spaziani, are of interest. They deal with the advantages and disadvantages, as viewed from a range of perspectives, of the […]

VOLUNTEER opportunity at “IN SITU” – Multi-Arts Festival in Mississauga, Oct. 27-29, 2016

Click here to access previous posts about the Small Arms Building > Volunteers for SAS Multi-Arts event “In Situ” Coming October 27-29, 2016 SAS is celebrating the restoration of the Small Arms Building with In Situ, a three-day multi-arts event planned for October 27th to 29th and intended to animate the space, build awareness and […]

Waterfront piazzas, a 1.5 kilometre beach, new lakefront land the size of 48 football fields and mixed-use neighbourhoods housing 20,000 people on 250 acres of reclaimed industrial land

A Sept. 24, 2016 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Ambitious project will give Mississauga new coastline.” Click on the link (above) to access the article. The subhead reads: “On Saturday, MPP Charles Sousa and others will announce the “ground making” of new coastline and islands next to where a colossal power plant once stood.” The […]

Two additional letters to Committee of Adjustment regarding 20 Elton Crescent

In a recent post, I have described a template letter that you can use, if you wish to send a letter to the Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment regarding a severance application for 20 Elton. The hearing for this address will be on Sept. 29, 2016 at the Civic Centre. I will make an effort to […]