What is a Minor Variance? Here are some definitions from across Ontario

Update Recent posts about related issues include: Please send a letter to the Committee of Adjustment opposing the 20 Elton severance application in Long Branch Two additional letters to Committee of Adjustment regarding 20 Elton Crescent [End of update] Peggy Moulder of the Lakeshore Planning Council has shared some thoughts which I am pleased to […]

Please send a letter to the Committee of Adjustment opposing the 20 Elton severance application in Long Branch

We have decided that now is a good time for us to help residents of Long Branch who are opposed to severance applications and proposals to build tall, narrow “soldier” houses on the resulting narrow, severed lots. A basic point is that if no-one turns up at the Committee of Adjustment to express their opposition, […]

Incredible organic tomatoes at Sam Smith Park Farmer’s Market in New Toronto!

Every year, I make an effort to buy things on Saturday mornings at Sam Smith Park Farmer’s Market in New Toronto. The market was launched a couple of years ago by a couple of civic-minded residents of Long Branch just west of New Toronto. Who was Sam Smith? For details, you may wish to read […]

Where to get “Stop the Lot Splitting” Lawn Signs in Long Branch

At a previous post entitled Conserving Long Branch – June 2016 David Godley Update, David Godley has shared the following information: Lawn Signs This is a separate program from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association but the two are mutually supportive. The issue in Long branch has had no publicity in the press despite the issue […]

Construction Kickoff Celebration for Lakeview Waterfront Connection project: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016

An update on the Construction Kickoff Celebration  is available at a subsequent post: Waterfront piazzas, a 1.5 kilometre beach, new lakefront land the size of 48 football fields and mixed-use neighbourhoods housing 20,000 people on 250 acres of reclaimed industrial land Click here for posts about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection project> (Preserved Stories has been […]

Conserving Long Branch – September 2016 Update Addendum from David Godley

A previous message is entitled: Conserving Long Branch – September 2016 Update from David Godley: Redevelopment proposal for apartments on Lake Promenade  The following message is from David Godley of Long Branch Summer Greetings, Dear Mayor John Tory, I am aware of the many excellent projects you are pursuing and would like to bring one […]

Conserving Long Branch – September 2016 Update from David Godley: Redevelopment proposal for apartments on Lake Promenade

New 3-minute video from Heritage Mississauga features Small Arms Ltd. wartime munitions plant in Lakeview

This post – along with future posts featuring interviews that I recorded on Aug. 25, 2016 – is concerned with an impressive, engaging 3-minute YouTube video about the Small Arms Ltd. munitions factory that was located in Lakeview, Mississauga just west of Long Branch during the Second World War. The Small Arms Building along with a […]

Conserving Long Branch – August 2016 Update Addendum from David Godley

The current post is an addendum to an earlier post entitled:  Conserving Long Branch – August 2016 Update from David Godley The photos at this post are from a previous post from David Godley entitled: Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines Pilot Project – Illustrated Analysis Grid prepared by David Godley They are included at the […]