Options regarding Photoshop overlays depicting severance proposals related to Committee of Adjustment & OMB meetings

The first photo on the right is from a post entitled: Conserving Long Branch – July 2016 Update from David Godley The second photo is from a post entitled: How to prepare a 5-minute presentation to the Committee of Adjustment. You may note that in the first photo, the image of the front elevations representing […]

Conserving Long Branch – July 2016 Update Addendum – David Godley

A previous post is entitled: Conserving Long Branch – July 2016 Update from David Godley A July 4, 2016 email July 2016 Update Addendum from David Godley <mhairig@pathcom.com> concerns 9 Meaford Avenue. David Godley refers to an exchange of emails that, David notes, “confirms the Planning Department’s position.” “The main recommendation to defer for community consultation is […]

Conserving Long Branch – July 2016 Update from David Godley

[The following update is from David Godley. David sent it out to his email list on July 2, 2016 but I have been slow in posting it to my website. This is volunteer work and my slowness comes with the territory.] Message from David Godley: * Formal Review of Ontario Municipal Board (Links below and […]

How to read the streets of Long Branch: Urban Design Guidelines Pilot Project is now underway

Update: A more complete and highly informative  overview of the contents of the Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines Draft Document  is available at the website of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes. We owe thanks to Councillor Grimes for the role that he and his office have played in the initiation and development […]

Tale of a Town comes to Mississauga between July 11 & July 30, 2016 – Message from Mississauga Culture

Click here to access the message from Mississauga Culture > I’m really pleased that I was able to learn about this Storymobile visit through an email message today from Mississauga Culture. I subscribed a while back for such messages. I am also really pleased that in recent months, I’ve learned of several events involving Lakeview […]

On July 12, 2016 Toronto City Council Agenda: Investigation report regarding conduct of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes

An Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Councillor Mark Grimes is on the Agenda for the July 12, 2016 meeting of the City of Toronto Council. You can access details here. An excerpt from the above-noted link reads: Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Councillor Mark Grimes City Council Decision City Council on July 12, 13, 14 and […]

The Sceptered Isle: Pre-Brexit travel report from David Godley

Following travel report is from David Godley of Long Branch. I have included just one photo; I will add more when time permits. David, thank you for including the headings! This makes my work as a blogger much easier, when the headings are already in place. David Godley writes: The Sceptered Isle, Spring Sixteen * […]

A number of bike thefts have occurred in Long Branch recently

According to a recent series of messages at a Long Branch Facebook Group that I belong to, a number of bicycles have been stolen recently in the area. I mention this so that you can ensure that you do what you can to protect your bike from theft. Having a photo of your bike, and […]

Urban Design Guidelines Pilot Project has been launched in Long Branch

Update: A more complete and highly informative  overview of the contents of the Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines Draft Document  is available at the website of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes. We owe thanks to Councillor Grimes for the role that he and his office have played in the initiation and development […]

The 2016 festival is over, but there’s always more Jane’s Walk!

Here are three ways to keep walking until next May >