Reports of dead raccoons & dogs with marijuana poisoning in Humber College & Colonel Samuel Smith Park area

From Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch: Reports of dead raccoons & dogs with marijuana poisoning in the Humber College and Colonel Samuel Smith Park area. Keep your cats indoors and dogs on leash. Etobicoke Guardian article A Jan. 28, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Useful tips, in aftermath of suspected dog poisoning cases in south […]

Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch: 35th Street; break-ins; shooting at 11th Street

Recent Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch item: 35th Street Lots of sketchy characters on 35th St lately. They sell “something” on the street, they hang out at the rbc. Usually 2 women ( 1 tall, thin, blonde ad the other stout and rotund and grey/blonde both in their 40’s?) They make a great deal of noise […]

Beware the occupancy probe knock – Message from Toronto Police Service, 54 Division

The following message has arrived my way through the Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch Facebook group, and I am pleased to pass it along: **Please “share” & discuss this with your friends & neighbors** Toronto Police (54 division) states … “Criminals don’t want to break into your home if they think someone’s home. So how do […]

One-page survey was circulated at Nov. 30, 2015 Long Branch Neighbourhood Association launch meeting

I have discussed the Nov. 30, 2015 meeting elsewhere; you can find previous posts by doing a search, using the internal search engine at this website, for “Long Branch Neighbourhood Association.” Some key points Some key points from the Nov. 30, 2015 meeting: Purpose of meeting The meeting had the purpose of determining the level of […]

Dec. 7, 2015 meeting at Humber College will focus on the next steps for the (tentatively named) Long Branch Neighbourhood Association

Dec. 7 meeting will focus on the next steps for the Association Quite a large group of residents, at a public meeting at Humber College on Nov. 30, 2015, indicated they plan to attend the Dec. 7, 2015 meeting at Humber College – Lakeshore Campus where the focus will be on the next steps in […]

On Nov. 30, 2015, I attended the launch of the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association

Below is a quick overview of the public meeting that took place at the Lakeshore Campus of Humber College on Nov. 30, 2015, for the launch of what is tentatively known as the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association. The meeting was in the L Building behind the Tim Horton’s on Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive, in Room L1017. I would […]

Lakeview Waterfront Connection – Notice of Environmental Assessment Amendment

The following message (I’ve omitted periods after some of the links) is from Credit Valley Conservation. I admire the communications from CVC as I have mentioned in previous posts related to the Lakeview Waterfront Connection project. Why am I impressed? I am impressed because I enjoy seeing effective use of language. As a volunteer in […]

Lake Shore Blvd. West Cycle Track: Dec. 8, 2015 Open House at 6:00 pm at New Toronto Library

In previous posts, I have shared reflections regarding the distinction between rhetoric and reality, as it relates to community participation in decisions affecting residents of Ward 6 in Etobicoke. The rhetoric is impressive, the reality less so; this is presumably the outcome of a political economy whose foundations were established many decades ago: Beware the […]

PE8.5 Revisions to the tree by-laws: Parks & Environment Committee consideration on Nov. 23, 2015

You can access the relevant City of Toronto Staff Report, dated Nov. 3, 2015, here: Briefly stated, the key information is as follows: “Nov 18, 2015 — This item will be considered by Parks and Environment Committee on November 23, 2015. It will be considered by City Council on December 9, 2015, subject to […]