Warning about drone looking into windows of buildings north of Long Branch Park – early on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015

Following message is from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch Facebook Group: “Warning: A guy was spotted early Friday morning in Long Branch Park using a drone to look into the windows of the buildings to the north. He carried a backpack and setup up at a picnic table.” Long Branch Park is at 245 Lake […]

Monday, Nov. 30, 2015, 7:00 pm at Humber College Lakeshore Campus, L-Building: Join your neighbours and help create a Long Branch Neighbourhood Association

To access a PDF version of the poster below, click here: LBNA-Nov30-15-meeting-letterflyer For a closer view of the poster, click on the image; click again to enlarge it further    Notes regarding spellings and boundaries Humber College Lakeshore Campus is located at Lake Shore Blvd. West and Kipling Ave. in the Lakeshore community of New […]

Skedline.com – a great overview of daily news from Humber College media students. Interview with Jaan Pill among others regarding Remembrance Day

Humber College has a great daily live online broadcast, featuring Humber journalism students. What a wonderful way to keep up to date on the news! I recommend this show highly! I was interviewed today (Nov. 9, 2015) at the Humber College Lakeshore Campus, in connection with Remembrance Day. The students put together a great piece […]

Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch met at Thrive Restaurant at 4:00 pm on Sunday, Nov. 8, 2015

I’m pleased I had the opportunity to attend the Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch meeting, organized by Anton Scheglov, which took place at 4:00 pm on Sunday, Nov. 8, 2015 at the Thrive Restaurant on Lake Shore Blvd. West. The group recently launched a Facebook page. I’m a great fan of face to face meetings. We can […]

Conserving Long Branch Quality of Life – November 2015 Update from David Godley

David Godley writes: Greetings from one of the prettiest and historic neighbourhoods in Toronto. We are doing our best to keep it that way but it takes an enormous effort for even small improvements. Here are some things which are happening at the moment in our neighbourhood. 1. 39 Fairfield, OMB decision 6 units have […]

Warning: Man taking photos of children – Fairgrounds Cafe at Fortieth and Lake Shore

Important warning: Man photographing children On Thurs., Nov. 5, 2015 a local mother and her young daughter were leaving Fairgrounds (Fortieth Street and Lake Shore Blvd. West) and a man was in the grassy area to the south of the Fairgrounds building taking photos of the daughter and mother. After he was approached by the […]

Formation of Long Branch Neighbourhood Association

The following message is from David Godley of Long Branch: A piece of Long Branch history will start on November 30, 2015. Be part of it! A community meeting organised by Brian Liberty, a resident of Long Branch, will be held as follows: Date: 30 November 2015 (Monday) Time: 7pm to 8.30pm Place: Humber College […]

Long Branch Neighbourhood Association Launch – Monday, Nov. 30, 2015 at Humber College L-Building, 7:00 pm

I have attended three meetings in the past year chaired by Brian Liberty of Long Branch, which have had the purpose of laying the ground work for the launch of a neighbourhood group in Long Branch. The meetings, of an informal planning group made up of Long Branch residents, have convinced us that there is […]

Sometimes, I could not get out any words at all; that was a long time ago

For many years, I was involved in community self-organizing on behalf of people who stutter. Years ago I formed a Toronto-based self-help group for people who stutter; our first meeting took place in September 1988 at the North York Central Library. That meeting, for which I had made plans for several months beforehand, led in […]

MCHS 2015 ’60s Reunion organizing team will meet in Kitchener on Wed., Nov. 18, 2015 for a post-reunion re-cap

We are pleased with the positive response to the MCHS ’60s Reunion held at Old Mill Toronto on Oct. 17, 2015. We owe thanks to a great many people for ensuring that the reunion turned out to be an outstanding success. We owe thanks to a great organizing team; we owe thanks to each person […]