Community meeting regarding Marino’s development (3526 Lake Shore Blvd. West) on Oct. 26, 2015 at 6:30 pm at The Assembly Hall

Public Meeting – Planning Application – 3526 Lake Shore Blvd. West Monday, Oct. 26, 2015 Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm Place: The Assembly Hall, Performance Hall 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive, Toronto Public notice and background file: 3526 LSBW Public mtg Oct 26, 2015 and backgroundfile-82831 Previous post: 3526 Lake Shore Blvd. West – Marino’s to be redeveloped […]

John Easton of Long Branch shares information about his daughter Suzanne

I’ve been in touch for several years with John Easton, a long-time Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey) resident; I’ve shared much information about local history as a result of many great conversations with him: Click here to access previous posts mentioning John Easton > John has recently sent me a message (Sept. 24, 2015), […]

9 Atherton is among the cases under review at the Sept. 24, 2015 C of A meeting: Attend the meeting if you can!

In a previous post, David Godley noted the following detail: 9 Atherton Crescent – Staff are recommending that the consent and minor variance applications be deferred to provide an opportunity for the applicant to consult with Planning staff and the local community and submit a revised proposal that is more in keeping with the established […]

Long Branch Conservation: Addendum to David Godley’s September 2015 update

The following information is from David Godley; but first a note about a Facebook video that I’ve posted: I am pleased to share with you a video, posted at Facebook, in which Bill Rawson of Long Branch Furniture at 3150 Lake Shore Blvd. West recalls some of the entertaining things that he’s read about Elvis […]

What Elvis liked to do in his spare time

Update: A Nov. 5, 2015 New York Times book review is entitled: “‘Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock ’n’ Roll,’ by Peter Guralnick.” [End of update]   A couple of years ago, I posted some videos in which Bill Rawson, owner of Long Branch Furniture & Appliances at 3513 Lake Shore Blvd. West in […]

Official Plan Review Flaw/39 33rd St /OMB decision PL150196: Comment from David Godley

Message from David Godley to Jennifer Keesmaat, Chief Planner, City of Toronto: Dear Jennifer, This is Long Branch calling for your help again although the neighbourhood character analysis issue is Citywide. It is a follow up to my letter of last Friday to key people in the Official Plan Review process on Neighbourhoods (see below) […]

Distraction thefts affecting seniors in South Etobicoke and elsewhere

Update: A September 2015 Toronto Life article ranks Toronto neighbourhoods by variables including crime rates: The ultimate Toronto neighbourhood rankings [End of update] By way of a follow-up to a recent message to my email mailing list, I would like to note that South Etobicoke has recently been subjected to the kind of distraction theft […]

Sept. 13, 2015 message from David Godley regarding conservation of Long Branch

The following Sept. 13, 2015 message is from David Godley of Long Branch: Greetings on rainy cool morning in Lovely Long Branch Long Branch planning issues and updates Searching for Development Applications online. We can see applications as they come in and there is an email address to find more details at Application Information Centre. […]

Message from David Godley regarding Sept. 16, 2015 Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting

The following text is from David Godley of Long Branch; in a separate post I will upload an additional message from David: To Committee Secretariat, I shall not be present at the Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting on 16th September but would like this letter to be circulated to members. Thank you. Yours truly, […]

David Godley of Long Branch (Toronto) highlights two recent meetings with Planning Staff

The following message is from David Godley: Long Branch Issues Overview August 2015 Two meetings have been held with Planning Staff recently. First with Neil Cresswell, Head of Etobicoke’s Planning Office and second with Denise Rundle who is doing a City-wide review of Committee of Adjustment processes. This is my take on the current situation. […]