Share Your Stories & Learn More! Make note of these events on June 7 and 13, 2015 – and many more into September

The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre has some great storytelling events lined up from June 7, 2015 into September 2015. Tara Mazurk, Curator of the L Space Gallery at Humber College, reports: “We have our first roundtable share-your-story on Sunday June 7th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Assembly Hall.” Click here to learn more […]

Teardown trend in Toronto homes weakens neighborhoods, expert says – June 1, 2015 CBC article

A June 1, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Toronto’s booming real estate market fuels teardown trend: Teardown trend in Toronto homes weakens neighborhoods, expert says.” The opening paragraphs read: “Toronto’s red hot real estate market is fuelling a push to tear down homes on valuable land and replace them with newer, bigger ones, sometimes to […]

105 22nd Street, Long Branch, Committee of Adjustment severance and variances

Jaan Pill (email to David Godley):  Again, I would be pleased to post this on my website, but would like to know if this would be a good way to go or not. David Godley:  Yes this one is fine. The message from David Godley follows below From: David Godley <> Date: Sunday, May 31, […]

Good news regarding 86 Twenty Third Street in Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey)

The following text is from a message circulated from Ward 6, City of Toronto Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office: GOOD NEWS “The OMB recently denied the severance and variances requested at 86 Twenty Third St. This would have been a devastating precedent had it been approved, as the property owner clearly attempted to circumvent the proper […]

Be alert regarding break-in attempts in your local neighbourhood

I am pleased to have the opportunity to share with you the information, which I have heard listening to CBC Radio in recent weeks, that the early afternoons are high-frequency times for break-ins at neighbourhoods across the City of Toronto. The warning that has been shared by Toronto Police Services is: Don’t leave your back […]

Etobicoke Creek mystery spill may take a week to clean up: CBC, May 15, 2015

A May 15, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Etobicoke Creek mystery spill may take a week to clean up.” The opening paragraphs read: “Workers continued to clean up a mystery spill in Etobicoke Creek into the weekend – and to figure out just what caused it in the first place. “The spill, in the portion […]

Recent emails (Brian Liberty; Jennifer Keesmaat; David Godley) concerned with urgent Long Branch urban planning matters

On May 10, 2015 Brian Liberty of Long Branch wrote: Hello everyone, A happy Sunday to you, and Happy Mother’s day to those celebrating. On Friday, David Godley received an email (see below) from the City’s Chief Planner, Jennifer Keesmaat in response to his meeting summary that was sent following the May 4th community meeting. […]

Military history mural at Small Arms Building will be moved to building facade

Update The mural has been moved to the inside of the Small Arms Building. [End of update] Mural at Small Arms Building I have spoken about the mural at the front of the Small Arms Building in previous posts including this one: Long Branch Rifle Ranges, Small Arms Building, and the Arsenal Lands The mural […]

Steve Nazar, who moved from Alderwood (Toronto) to Duncan, British Columbia, comments on what drives people out of Toronto

In previous posts, I’ve shared views about the destruction of the neighbourhood character of Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey). Among the posts are the following recent ones: Comment from Susan Virtue: May 4, 2015 “Character of Long Branch” meeting at The Assembly Hall Comment from Susan Albert: May 4, 2015 “Character of Long Branch” […]

A mouse came to visit me at my home office. The next day I drove it to Marie Curtis Park.

I saw a mouse at my home office on May 5, 2015. I saw it several times that evening. I was wondering why it didn’t run off as soon as it saw me. On the morning of May 6, 2015, at 6:30 am, I saw the mouse again. When I saw it one more time […]