Fire Weather (2023) presents a compelling biography of The Beast which drove 88,000 people out of Fort McMurray in May 2016

On May 31, 2023 we met once again for a Malcolm Campbell High School picnic at a perfect backyard venue in London, Ontario

Students from Laurentide and Morison schools in the late 1950s were among students attending MCHS in the early 1960s

Links for 2:00 pm, April 22, 2023 online Memorial Service for Graeme Decarie

Memorial Service for Graeme Decarie will take place Saturday, April 22, 2022 at 2:00 pm; a Zoom link is available

Klaas Vander Baaren shares a history of the community church built on Gouin Blvd in Montreal in the 1950s and burned down in 1983

Philip Bristow has found answer to question about death in 1947, of his grandfather, Augustus Bristow, in St. Laurent (Quebec)