An occasional Newsletter from Preserved Stories.

Addressing Power in Bullying is About Gender and Income Inequality – online talk by Wendy Craig, PhD, Queen’s University – slides and recording are available

‘Addressing power in bullying is about gender and income inequality’: Wendy Craig, PhD, April 18, 2023, University of Buffalo

Please write a letter by April 20, 2023 4:30 pm to help save a heritage tree in Long Branch (South Etobicoke)

University of Tartu: Dissertation by Pema Choedon – “Unseen homeland: the construction of Tibet in the diaspora”

University of Tartu: High coronavirus prevalence is driven by a growing lack of concern about risks

‘Looking back on the war through some writings: 2022 in retrospect’: Phillips P. O’Brien (from a newsletter I subscribe to)

University of Tartu dissertation regarding selected features of Ayahuasca: in some European neoshamanic brews, DMT concentrations were high and traditional plants were replaced by other plants or chemicals

A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle (2015) and Plant Teachers: Ayahuasca, Tobacco, and the Pursuit of Knowledge (2021) productively bring together two ways of seeing

In an interview with DW, Mark Galeotti explains why the West did not believe Russia would invade Ukraine and how he sees the war playing out in 2023

I enjoy reading a newsletter from Phillips P. O’Brien; the most recent one I’ve read is entitled: “Weekend Update #7: Some ideas on how the war is being presented and analyzed – oldies and not goodies.”