A volunteer-led organization, the Archives Association of Ontario has a new website
You can access the website here.
An occasional Newsletter from Preserved Stories.
You can access the website here.
The article that is the topic of this post notes that Sean M. Maloney, PhD, teaches History at the Royal Military College of Canada, and has also taught extensively in its War Studies Program. He is currently the historical advisor to the Canadian Army for the war in Afghanistan. His article, “‘Was It Worth It?’ […]
The following message is from a concerned resident of Long Branch. The message includes the following four documents (the fourth provides a draft of a letter that you are urged to write): 48 – 35th CofA Prt. 2 (Lot & Frontage Analysis ) 48 35th CofA Prt.1 (Notice) 48-35th CofA Prt.3 ( Drawings) 48 35 […]
Following text is from the Etobicoke-South Cycling Committee Meeting of the Etobicoke-South Cycling Committee A Partnership between Cycle Toronto and the Lakeshore Planning Council DATE: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 TIME: 7 to 9 PM. PLACE: LAMP, 185 Fifth St. on the Birmingham Bike Lane AGENDA 1. Etobicoke Creek Trail. The TRCA and the Ministry of […]
I was interested to read a recent article by Ken Greenberg at urbandesignreview.org. The article begins with the following note: Editor’s Note: The Forum for Urban Design is embarking on a campaign to collect ideas for compelling projects, plans, and policies to better New York City under the next mayor’s tenure. To tie in with […]
I’m looking forward to making a two-minute presentation at the retirement party for Tony Churchill that will be held on Jan. 16, 2014 at the Catholic Education Centre (CEC) in Mississauga. I’ve discussed Tony’s work at an online video posted some years ago at Vimeo; speaking notes for the latter talk are available here. Speaking […]
I have an interest in evidence-based practice. When scientific data and research are under threat, each of us as a citizen is under threat. In an earlier post, I’ve discussed the role of fraud in relation to scientific credentials. At the latter post, I’ve shared the following information: Fake academic credentials In general, claims of factuality […]
The most recent list of Heritage Attributes for 2 Station Road can be found here. Earlier posts related to the designation of Wesley Mimico United Church under the Ontario Heritage Act can be found here. Revised list of Heritage Attributes As I understand, the heritage attributes of the property at 2 Station Road are: • […]
I subscribe to updates concerned with a site called For King and Country at torontofamilyhistory.com. A previous blog post about King and Country can be accessed here. The most recent update is concerned with Preparing War Memorials: Danforth Tech Shows How. The opening paragraphs read: How did schools collect the names for their war memorials? […]
Concepts such as “contested normative valance” are of value, in my view, because it’s useful to include concepts from the social sciences in the study of history. For this reason, it’s of interest to read the views of Sönke Neitzel, a historian, and Harald Welzer, a sociologist and social psychologist, regarding warfare. Similarly, it’s of […]