Land-use decision making offers a unique avenue for historical analysis – in Stratford, as elsewhere

June 2, 2019 Fly-In Charity Breakfast at Stratford airport was a most enjoyable event

Boarded-up early 1900s house at Trafalgar Road and Derry Road retains echoes of bygone days

When lifting with a hex bar, it’s good to use large-diameter weights, as that makes for a better lift

Journalists from the New York Times will visit the Stratford Festival Forum to lead conversations about who Othello is today – Stratford Festival sponsored article in Toronto Star

To install a handrail, first locate the wall-studs; a YouTube video will show you how

Power of a vision: Tom Patterson, who launched the Stratford Festival, and Jim Tovey, who launched Inspiration Lakeview, each visualized what could be

Amsterdam’s bicycle culture stays in mind; also: York hex barbell has two “kickstand” handles that are screwed in; they are not welded into place