What site visitors have taught me about the Preserved Stories website

Mississauga waterfront update: Dec. 7, 2023 Pointer article highlights potential next steps for Lakeview Village development

The city of Berlin, Ontario was renamed Kitchener in 1916; in 2020 the debate about changing the name once again was being revisited

Cornelius (Neil) van Nostrand and fellow flying cadets received training during the First World War at the Long Branch Aerodrome in what is now Lakeview, Mississauga

People shocked and disappointed as province overrides Mississauga nearly doubling density for Lakeview Village – May 15, 2023, Insauga.ca

What are the prospects for keeping democracy alive in Canada? Another great topic – Aug. 29, 2023 MCHS picnic in Toronto

Why you need to be concerned – 220, 230 and 240 Lake Promenade and 21 and 31 Park Blvd. – Message from Long Branch Neighbourhood Association

Storytelling depends upon the pragmatics of communication inherent in a conversation: the ball gets hit back and forth across the net

For some years, as a retired teacher I’ve been following events at the Peel District School Board

Good to keep in mind: You don’t need permission to quote what City of Toronto staff say at public meetings