Message from Toronto Parks People

Toronto Parks People provides an overview of what’s happening with regard to Toronto Parks. To view a recent overview, click here. [To access the document, click on link in previous sentence.] The opening text reads as follows: As a fellow park enthusiast, we wanted to make sure you are familiar with the new Parks Plan, which […]

Lakeshore Asylum Cemetery Project – May 11, 2013, 2:00 pm

Following message is from The Lakeshore Asylum Cemetery Project: The Lakeshore Asylum Cemetery Project invites you to join us for a Spring Visit and Clean-Up Saturday May 11th, 2013 Rain or Shine 2:00pm To remember and honour in a dignified and respectful way the lives of the 1511 people buried in the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital […]

“Walk for Change” – May 11, 2013, 10:00 am (registration starts at 9:00 am) – Act and Advocate for Mental Health

The following message is from Walk for Change: Subject: Spring Visit to the Lakeshore Cemetery and “Walk for Change” You are invited to the Spring Visit to the Lakeshore Cemetery and to support the first Local fundraiser “Walk for Change” earlier in the day, of which the Project will be a beneficiary. Please see the attached […]

Councillor Grimes says taxpayer-funded Vegas trip was not for casino meetings – April 18, 2013 Globe and Mail article

I want to thank David Juliusson for letting me know about an April 18, 2013 Globe and Mail article touching upon the Toronto casino debate. The headline and opening sentence reads: Councillor Grimes says taxpayer-funded Vegas trip was not for casino meetings Councillor Mark Grimes says the taxpayer-funded trip he took to Las Vegas last […]

Fort York and Garrison Common Maps – apps-related information

Nathan Ng has shared with me the following information: Date: Sunday, 14 April, 2013 To: Jaan Pill Subject: Fort York and Garrison Common Maps Hello! I’m sending this note because you had previously referenced a mapping project of mine, Historical Maps of Toronto, on your Preserved Stories blog. I’d like to draw your attention to another online historical […]

First Story is an interactive map of Toronto’s Aboriginal history

I’m pleased to share with you the following information from the Toronto Native Community History Project: FIRST STORY is an interactive multimedia map of Toronto’s Aboriginal history, empowering the Indigenous community of Toronto to reveal and explore our geography and culture. Users will have access, via a smartphone, to stories, photographs, archival documents, audio and video clips that illuminate Aboriginal presence and history in […]

Asbury and West United Church 1958 sanctuary was designated following a July 2010 city planning division report

The story of the Asbury and West United Church redevelopment appears very straightforward to me. I can readily follow the story because I lived on Saranac Blvd. from 1983 until 1991 and know the area well. The church is at the southwest corner of Saranac Blvd. and Bathurst Street. A Google Map of the area […]

Reminder: Community Consultation – 2560, 3580, 3600 Lake Shore Blvd. West – April 11, 6:30 pm, Assembly Hall

The meeting is at The Assembly Hall, a building that serves as a great example of the adaptive reuse of a century-old heritage building that will also be featured among the Doors Open 2013events on the May 25th and 26th weekend. The background document referred to in the notice can be accessed here. [Click on […]

‘We think streets are good boundaries’ – planning article related to Davisville Junior Public School – April 10, 2013 Globe and Mail

Click here to read an April 10, 2013 Globe and Mail article highlighting development issues facing the Toronto District School Board as it seeks to develop properties to generate money for maintenance of its buildings. “We think streets are good boundaries” David Oikawa is manager of the midtown section of City of Toronto Planning: “We […]