Timeframe to achieve the City’s Tree Canopy Goals has been revised

The City of Toronto’s Parks and Environment Committee’s primary focus, according to the City of Toronto website, “is the natural environment, with a mandate to monitor, and make recommendations on the sustainable use of Toronto’s natural environment.” An item entitled PE17.1 Core Service Review – Revising the Timeframe to achieve the City’s Tree Canopy Goals […]

Design, Innovation & Green working group is part of Wesley Mimico redevelopment process

I’ve now attended two meetings of the Design, Innovation & Green working group, one of three committees involved with the planning process related to the redevelopment of the Wesley Mimico United Church in Mimico. Here’s a more recent update on the planning process. I became a member of this working group after I attended a design-related […]

Goldhawk Live, Nov. 15, 2012 at 8:00 pm: Land Use Conflict in Toronto: Jobs Versus Housing

You may be interested in seeing Goldhawk Live on Nov. 15, 2012 at 8:00 pm. This show will provide an overview of the Mr. Christie story. As I understand, photos from the Preserved Stories website, including a montage of photos from a Aquaview Condos video, directed by Jaan Pill and edited by Steven Toepell, will […]

Photos by Peter Riedel, real estate photographer, related to Mr. Christie’s Bakery and Humber Bay

Mississauga has chosen to avoid high-rise condominiums along the Mississauga waterfront

In recent weeks I’ve attended three community events in two cities. In each case, I attended the event toward the end, after much of it was over. Mimico 20/20 Open House, Nov. 8, 2012 I arrived as the meeting was wrapping up. The City of Toronto planning staff were welcoming and friendly, a quality that I […]

Nov. 7, 2012: Toronto Star story regarding Mr. Christie’s Bakery

Christie’s Bakery workers devastated by job loss, will fight condo development  

Trees for Life is concerned with the health value of trees

Whenever I hear about a project such as Trees for Life, I attend very closely. The following information is from an October 26, 2012 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) document (pp. 58-61), which you can access by clicking on the following link: AuthorityAgenda#08-12_October26_2012 I recently attended an all-day conference in Toronto based on the […]

Mimico 20/20 Study: Nov. 8, 2012 Open House

Mimico 20/20 Revitalization Study — Open House: nov8_2012_open_house_notice (Click on link above to read the notice.) Thursday, November 8, 2012 Mimico Adult Centre — Gymnasium 255 Royal York Road 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Registration for this event is not required. City Planning invites you to attend an Open House to learn about the consultants’ key study […]

Anna Lafoyiannis comments on the closing of Mr. Christie’s

Anna Lafoyiannis comments as follows: When I first heard about the imminent closure of the Mr. Christie’s Bakery, I was shocked. The bakery has existed for so long and is a personal landmark of the community. I have fond memories of seeing the water tower from the GO train as I would commute to Toronto. […]