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1176 search results for: Ontario


Remembering Toronto’s history – Globe and Mail article, May 18, 2013 – Also May 17 Toronto Star article about historic Ward community

The title and opening paragraphs of a May 18, 2013 Globe and Mail article by Eric Veilette about the value of historical societies read as follows: Remembering Toronto’s history, with the help of the web The building at the west-end intersection of Dupont, Dundas and Annette streets was the site of an 1837 stagecoach robbery […]


David Switzer of Long Branch shares his comments regarding plans for sand beach at Marie Curtis Park

I’m pleased to have the opportunity to post the following comment from David Switzer of Long Branch concerning the sand beach at Marie Curtis Park. I share his comments in the spirit of reporting on an ongoing conversation. I am pleased that ongoing communications regarding the Mississauga Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment Project are proceeding in […]


Plans regarding sand beach at Marie Curtis Park: Response from Kenneth Dion, Toronto and Region Conservation

Update: An August 6, 2013 post, among others in the Etobicoke Creek Category at this website, provides an update to this post. [End of update] In previous blog posts, I’ve described plans discussed in the context of the Mississauga Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment Project regarding the sand beach at Marie Curtis Park between Etobicoke Creek […]


“Finish what you start”

It’s taken me some years – decades, or more precisely over half a century – to learn to finish every project that I start. I’ve become better at this task with the passage of the years and as a retired teacher I have the opportunity to finish many unfinished projects. I now try to work […]