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567 search results for: OMB


Climate change and Greater Toronto Region: Links updates

Updates A July 12, 2017 CBC article is entitled: Don’t drain the swamp: report says wetlands help avert flood damage: Study says leaving wetlands in their natural state can help protect communities from severe flooding.” A Sept. 25, 2017 Guardian article is entitled: “What would an entirely flood-proof city look like? The wetter the better. […]


Recordings of Committee of Adjustment meetings (other than at the York Civic Centre) are available

It’s my understanding, from a reliable source, that if you want a recording of a Committee of Adjustment hearing (conducted anywhere other than at the York Civic Centre), you can get a video recording of a hearing from the City through City of Toronto Facilities staff. If you want a video of a hearing conducted […]


Links related to a differential approach to climate change at City of Mississauga as compared to the City of Toronto

I have previously noted that the City of Mississauga appears many light years ahead of the City of Toronto in relation to community engagement (that is, getting citizens involved with planning decisions, in practice as well as in theory) and in relation to sustainability. I have attended Etobicoke-York Committee of Adjustment meetings in the past […]


Not a good day, some days ago: Graeme Decarie, who taught history at Concordia University for many years, shares thoughts about mass murders

I’m just catching up with posting of a message from Graeme Decarie. Graeme Decarie was a history teacher at Malcolm Campbell High School in Montreal. I didn’t have a history class with him but he was an advisor to the student council, of which I was a member. In the fall of 1963 (if I […]


“The government seems to be, in essence, running some kind of secret or shadow archive,” Molinaro told CBC News

A May 25, 2017 CBC article is entitled: “Government accused of hoarding Canadian history in ‘secret’ archives: ‘You’re hiding the historical record from the Canadian people,’ historian says.” The opening paragraphs read: Some of Canada’s leading historians say the federal government is putting the country’s historical record at risk by hoarding piles of documents inside secret […]


When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach: Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress

A May 13, 2017 Arch Daily article is entitled: “Contemporary Housing to Reinforce Finland’s UNESCO World Heritage Fortress.” The opening paragraphs read: When placed in a historic landscape, contemporary architecture requires a layered approach. It must often strike a respectful, vernacular tone, whilst embracing the innovative, functional hallmarks of a modern building. This balance has particular relevance […]


The Family Camera exhibit at Royal Ontario Museum explores what’s fundamental about family

The following overview is from the May 2017 newsletter of The Photographic Historical Society of Canada; I have also learned about this exhibit listening to CBC Metro Morning; the Photographic Historical Society of Canada message reads: What do all families have in common? How do families nurture relationships, cultivate individual identities and maintain ties, even […]