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135 search results for: ontario municipal board OMB


DeGasperis case, related to the finding of the Divisional Court, July 2005, is part of the OMB’s parallel universe

The DeGasperis Case, related to a July 2005 finding of the Divisional Court, concerns what I have come to view as a remarkable parallel universe or alternative reality. The alternate reality that I refer to – in which Up is Down, In is Out, and Minor is Major – concerns what takes place at the City of […]


Houses of Parliament have Hansard. Courts have transcripts. What records does OMB provide of its deliberations?

A recent post is entitled: Feb. 17, 2017 Toronto Star: Contested Development – Parts 1, 2 & 3 in series about Ontario Municipal Board “wielding its unelected power” From my limited perspective and anecdotal evidence as a resident observing, and occasionally participating at, Committee of Adjustment and OMB hearings in recent years, my sense is […]


Deputation to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing from Jim Tovey, Ward 1 Councillor, City of Mississauga and Region of Peel

This post is concerned with the current project, initiated by the Ontario government, to reform the Ontario Municipal Board. The deputation to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing from City of Mississauga Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey (please see text below), has the following back story, which Councillor Tovey has shared with me: “The […]


Feb. 17, 2017 Toronto Star: Contested Development – Parts 1, 2 & 3 in series about Ontario Municipal Board “wielding its unelected power”

A Feb. 17, 2017 Toronto Star article (a three-part series) is entitled: “Contested Development: Many question whether the Ontario Municipal Board should be allowed to continue wielding its unelected power over a city crunched for resources.” An excerpt reads: “But the developer, Pemberton Group, appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, the most powerful body of […]


Early in 2017, the Local Appeal Body for Toronto will replace the function of the OMB to hear Toronto-based appeals of COA decisions

Click here to access City of Toronto webpage about the Toronto Local Appeal Body > “Early in 2017,” the page notes, “the Local Appeal Body for Toronto will replace the function of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) to hear Toronto-based appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions about minor variance and consent applications. The Ontario Municipal […]


Culture of Committee of Adjustment and OMB decision making has changed dramatically in 25 years: MPP Peter Milczyn

Updates: A March 11, 2018 Toronto Star article is entitled: “How rampant development and poor planning left residents of this Etobicoke neighbourhood stuck in traffic: The Etobicoke neighbourhood of Humber Bay Shores has undergone rapid development in the past two decades, but transit infrastructure hasn’t come with it. The problem only stands to get worse.” […]


Please adapt or copy this OMB Review message, and send it in to by December 19, 2016

Details about the OMB Review are available at this link: final-public-consultation-document-1 Click here to access the Feedback Form for the OMB Review > 1) Tomorrow, December 19, 2016 is the deadline for comments from Ontario residents regarding the OMB Review. Please make an effort to send some comments in, whatever comments occur to you, by the deadline. […]


OMB needs to be reined in – Nov. 17, 2016 Toronto Star. Concerns, as well, that overworked city planners can’t keep up

Click here for previous post about the OMB > A Nov. 17, 2016 Toronto Star article is entitled: “The Ontario Municipal Board needs to be reined in: Big land developers hire high-priced lawyers to pave the way for the paving of more farmland — and more monster homes.” Concerns overworked city planners can’t keep up A […]


Mimico Lakeshore Network has shared some observations about the OMB

Following message is from the Mimico Lakeshore Network: Subject: Public Meeting with P. Milczyn MPP – Reform of the OMB Join Peter Milczyn MPP at a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the government’s review of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Wed, Nov. 9, 2016 (Ward 6) 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Royal Canadian Legion, Branch […]