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121 search results for: parkview School


Do you have a photo of Robin’s Nest, built by Alfred Bray who moved to Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey) in 1910?

Sandy Bray has a question that you may be able to answer “I’ve been enjoying your site very much,” Sandy Bray writes, “and have been thinking alot of memories and questions, etc. etc.” Sandy has recently sent a question to her dad, Jim Bray, asking if he remembered the address of the house called “Robins Nest” […]


Peter Milczyn – Etobicoke-Lakeshore Campaign Kick-Off BBQ!

I much enjoyed the Etobicoke-Lakeshore Campaign Kick-Off BBQ at Peter Milczyn’s Campaign Headquarters. You can access Peter Milczyn’s campaign website here. You can request a lawn sign here. Alternatively, you can request a lawn sign by calling 647-748-8683. I’m serving as a volunteer in Peter Milczyn’s by-election campaign. My support is in continuation of my support for […]


Rhetoric of heritage preservation

Update: A Feb. 21, 2014 New Yorker article is entitled: “Why is academic writing so academic?” [End of update]   We can speak of rhetoric from a variety of perspectives. Rhetoric is a great topic for academic study. By way of example, early in his career Marshall McLuhan developed expertise in rhetoric as a field of […]


Occasionally Long Branch is described as a drive-through kind of place – which, for some of us, is what it is

Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey) has many characteristics. The characterization depends upon the observer. I much appreciate a recent message from Colleen O’Marra (see below), which has given rise to this blog post. My friend Sid Olvet of Oakville has remarked that each person who encounters Long Branch encounters it according to the era, […]