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1001 search results for: long branch


Ron Williamson shares an overview of early North American warfare in “The House of Cut-Off Heads”

Recently I read Chapter 8 of a book entitled The taking and displaying of human body parts by Amerindians (2007). Beautifully written and informative, the chapter is by the Canadian archaeologist Ron Williamson. The full title of the chapter is: “Otintsiskiaj ondaon” (“The House of Cut-Off Heads”): The history and archaeology of Northern Iroquoian trophy […]


The American Revolution, the First Nations, and Colonel Samuel Smith

My interest in military history arises from my current documentary project in Long Branch where I live. One of the personalities associated with Long Branch is Colonel Samuel Smith who faught in the Wars of the American Revolution. Not much is known about Colonel Smith. He’s perhaps best known for deprecations directed his way by the Scottish author and reformer Robert Gourlay after a visit to Smith’s log cabin east […]


Andy Iadinardi – Aquaview Condominiums

  Andy Iadinardi performed a great job as Construction Superintendent during the building of Aquaview Condominiums at 3865 Lake Shore Blvd. West between Forty First and Forty Second Streets in Long Branch in southwestern Etobicoke. In the spring of 2011, as the construction process at Aquaview was winding down, Andy hired Jaan Pill to edit […]



A significant archaeological site is located under the school grounds of Parkview School On Oct. 26, 2010 we learned, on reading a notice on page 527 of the board minutes for June 23, 2010, that the Toronto District School Board was selling its Parkview School property at 85 Forty First Street As you may know, […]


Munden Park Public School

Jaan taught at the Peel District School Board’s Munden Park Public School from 1995 to 2006. This was a great school to work at. Mike James, who was Principal at Munden Park for the last several years when Jaan taught there, recently took Jaan on a history tour of Long Branch and New Toronto. Mike […]


Save Sam’s Homestead

The concept of a “Save Sam’s Homestead” group occurred to residents living close to Parkview School in Long Branch in late 2010. We did not develop the concept further. Sam’s Homestead refers to the original homestead of Colonel Samuel Smith. You can search elsewhere, at this website, if you wish to learn more about Samuel […]