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60 search results for: bullying


“Why I Left The CBC And Its Toxic Atmosphere” – Linden MacIntyre, Oct. 22, 2014 Huffington Post

You can access an Oct. 22, 2014 Huffington Post article, entitled “Why I Left The CBC And Its Toxic Atmosphere,” by Linden MacIntyre here. It’s a long article and warrants a close read. “Normal” obnoxiousness that proceeds along the abuse continuum An excerpt reads: “The harder part is coming to terms with the individual and institutional blindness […]


Without positing a simple-minded connection, Not Hollywood (2013) argues that taste is linked to a particular class background

I have previously posted several items about Not Hollywood (2013). This post discusses these and other posts. Toronto Public Library resources I came across Sherry B. Ortner’s work when I was reading The Hidden Life of Girls (2006), a linguistic anthropology study of cliques of popular girls in American schools. The author of the latter […]


The research defies what we’ve been told: How We Learn (2014) and The Handbook of Language Socialization (2014)

I’ve recently had the opportunity to encounter many resources that address how we absorb information. Among the resources is a book entitled How We Learn: The Surprising Truth about When, Where, and Why It Happens (2014). A blurb at the Toronto Public Library website notes: Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) “In the tradition of The […]