Incredible organic tomatoes at Sam Smith Park Farmer’s Market in New Toronto!

I visited the Sam Smith Farmer's Market just before the 1:00 pm closing time on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016. It's open through the summer and the fall each year. It's at Colonel Samuel Smith Park.

I visited the Sam Smith Farmer’s Market just before the 1:00 pm closing time on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016. That was just before the rain began. It’s open through the summer and the fall each year. It’s at Colonel Samuel Smith Park. The tomatoes were from “Pete’s Fresh Certified Organics, Brampton, Ontario” That’s the stand that appears on the right in the photo. Click on the image to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further.

Every year, I make an effort to buy things on Saturday mornings at Sam Smith Park Farmer’s Market in New Toronto. The market was launched a couple of years ago by a couple of civic-minded residents of Long Branch just west of New Toronto.

Who was Sam Smith?

For details, you may wish to read the following longread article:

A History of Long Branch (Toronto) – DRAFT 4

This past weekend I bought some tomatoes and eggplant, and also some loose leaf green tea for our family.

Pete’s Certified Fresh Organics, Brampton, Ontario

The tomatoes, as we’ve learned form previous occasions, are amazing! These are organic tomatoes from a farm – Pete’s Fresh Certified Organics – in Brampton.

The taste is so much different from the usual supermarket fare – it’s an awesome experience, which you can only really get a clear sense about if you try it yourself. My words can’t describe the taste! These are good tomatoes!

It’s even better tasting than the standard organic supermarket fare. The fact it’s fresh makes all the difference. It’s the difference between standard organic food and very, very fresh organic food.

I’m reminded of an experience forty-five years ago in Vancouver. A new natural foods store had opened up around the late 1960s or early 1970s on Fourth Avenue in Kitsilano. I was walking by and thought, “What is this?” I bought some carrots and some yoghurt. When I got home and tried the carrots, I was hooked at once. I’d never tasted carrots like the ones I tasted that day.

They tasted so much better than the standard supermarket fare. The yoghurt tasted great as well – it was about the first time I’d ever tried it! Along with a few other influences on my life at the time, the experience prompted me to become a vegetarian. In those days, vegetarians were looked at askance, unlike now when many people are vegetarians. That didn’t matter to me. Overnight, I stopped eating meat. My stomach growled for a few months, after which everything was fine, so far as making what was (for me at the time) a big change in my eating habits.

These are some of the great organic tomatoes, from an organic farm in Brampton, that I bought on Sept. 17, 2016. The photo shows them resting on the front seat of my car ready for the drive home.

These are some of the great organic tomatoes, from an organic farm in Brampton, that I bought on Sept. 17, 2016. The photo shows them resting on the front seat of my car ready for the drive home.

I’m now a vegetarian who eats fish and eggs – originally I stayed away from eggs and fish as well. Except for a run-in with an iron deficiency anemia, probably associated with my diet, my health has been great all these years and I think being a vegetarian has helped. The iron deficiency was detected in recent years by our family physician. With the physician’s help, I was able to address the latter situation at once.


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