Message from Robert Lansdale regarding photo captioned as “Day at Mimico Creek 1889”
Following message of September 7, 2013 is from Robert Lansdale (if you can help with pinning down the location of the photo, please contact me):
Hello Jaan
You immediately came to mind when I saw this picture 20mins ago:
[You can access the photo and accompanying text here.]
The picture states that it was taken in the area of Mimico Creek. I do
not know what Mimico Creek looked like in 1889 but I do know what the Lake Promenade area may have looked like around that time. You will
recall the Durance picture of 1923 (attached [see below]). You will notice that the canoes are identical (same wood cladding). My thinking is that these two pictures are of the same area and direction of interest. The 1889 photo, at the far rear, may also be your primary area of Interest where the old barn
used to be (and the school is now present). Would you be able to track
down the original photo and see where it may have been taken? This
would be a good image to associate with Lake Promenade + Etobicoke
Creek rather than Mimico Creek.
Robert Lansdale

Left to right in the photo are Connie Durance, Cyril Durance, George Durance, Rene Durance, and Florence Morrell. Around 1924 - Old Etobicoke Creek in front of 515 Lake Promenade. Photo credit: Doris Durance. © Durance family and Robert Lansdale
I’m delighted to see the 1889 photo and I’m pleased to know it’s public domain.
I will check around among people familiar with the relevant archival resources, to verify that the 1889 photo is indeed from Mimico Creek.
Not being an archivist, but having a keen interest in sharing accurate information, I generally rely upon others with regard to such topics.
I look forward to sharing what I learn.
The one reflection that I can share is that those are both beautiful and evocative photos. They enable me to picture in my mind those times, those days, and the lives back then.
As a subsequent post notes, the photo is indeed from the mouth of Mimico Creek.
It’s been great to have the discussion about the 1889 photo; such online conversations are of much value; they remind us about all the great resources that are available.
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