Tim Hewlings has shared photos of our grade 6 class from Laurentide School and our grade 7 class from Morison
Tim Hewlings has been reading some of our posts about years gone by and has added one of his own, by way of a recent comment.

June 1959, Morison School, Grade 7. With regard to the photo, Janet Barnes has commented on Facebook: “I was 4 years old.” Photo source: Allen Jones
He adds: “Nice story about Joelle [King]. Both Ron Dykhof and Fred Laflamme had written me about her passing. Made me think of couple of photos Allen Jones dug up recently. Thought you might be interested in putting them up. Our grade 6 class from Laurentide School and our grade 7 class from Morison.”
Thank you Tim. Awesome photos!
Additional comments from Tim Hewlings
Here are the names we have figured out so far [names in square brackets have been added, from other sources, to Tim’s original text]:
1958 June Laurentide school Grade 6 Back row L-R ?, ?, Kent
Bawn, ?, ?, Stuart Clendenning
3rd Row Heather Diac?, ?, ?, John Frost,
Diane Falco, ?, ?
2nd Row Doug Singer, Scott Munro, TGH, Diane
MacLagan, Jeanne Butcher, Ross Powell, Jaan Pill
ft row Christine Hamilton, Marilyn Taylor,
Patricia Parsons, Bruce Clendenning, Allen Jones, Linda McCracken, [Jane Mather – possibly, [Carol Evans – possibly]
1959 June Morrison school Grade 7 Back row L-R [Brian Meeks], ?, Jeanne
Butcher, Kent Bawn, Diane Falco, Lang Chan?
4th Row Anthony Davies, [Carol Evans – possibly), Jane Mather or Mathers – possibly ?, Barbara Fabian?, [Carol McCowan]
3rd row Marilyn Bailey, ?, Diane MacLagan,
Heather Diac?, Linda McCracken?, Marilyn Willis, Jaan Pill
2nd Row Teacher Don Boulé, [Bruce Gardener [don’t know if spelling is correct], ?, Bruce
Clendenning, Scott Munro, Eric Gittens, Stuart Clendenning, Principal [Miss A. [Audrey?] L. Clark.]
Ft Row ?, Allen Jones, Christine Hamilton,
Doug Singer, Marilyn Taylor, TGH, Patricia Parsons, Ross Powell, Gillian
Stratford is indeed a nice place. Haven’t been for ages. About 20 years ago I did some recording there for one of the plays. The music and sound was being produced by a composer I knew from Montreal.
I am in regular contact with Allen Jones and Doug Singer. Doug and I get together every few months, but he spends the winter in Bonaire where he and his wife have a house – they can go scuba diving every day, lucky devils.
Does anyone have news updates for Bruce Clendenning and Stuart Clendenning? I remember them well from those years but lost touch as the years went by. News updates about other students (Marilyn Willis, Carol McCowan among others) would also be of interest. I’m pleased I met Marilyn Taylor at the MCHS 1960s Reunion at Old Mll Toronto in 2015. Also I’m pleased that I’ve been in touch over the years with Christine Hamilton.
I remember John Frost. He was on my team in a memorable soccer game at Morison, a game that has stayed indelibly engraved in my mind. We were initially behind, but (as I recall) I played a role, in rallying the team – and we tied the game and then scored again to win the match. That’s as I remember it, at any rate, these many years later. It was one of those small events in team sports that have always stayed in mind for me. That one event underlined for me that there are situations in life where the level of motivation, and the communication of it, can have a strong impact on the outcome.
Previous post from Jaan Pill about Stratford
I had shared with Tim a previous post about Stratford:
Through some Facebook posts I’ve learned that there was a cub scout leader named Clendenning. Meetings were held at the Val Royal Baptist church on O’Brien in the early 1970’s.
I’ve also learned that Stuart Clendenning worked in landscaping for Mr. Meeks after high school and later attended and then became faculty at Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph (now part of University of Guelph).
Also, the memories have come back for me regarding Bruce Clendenning. He went to work at a bank and later was a bank manager. I remember my mother telling me about that, years ago. Bruce was also on an email list for discussions related to an MCHS reunion some years ago.
If anyone has further details – about Bruce and Stuart, and also Brian Meeks, who was good friends with Stuart – please let me know.
Re: The question mark regarding the name of the principal in the Morison photo – Her name was Miss (not Mrs.) A. L. Clark. I believe that the “A” was for Audrey.
This is a good start, Bert. I’ll work on updating the captions to ensure we get the names as accurate as possible. I also note that Diana would be the correct spelling for Diana McLagan. assuming it’s Diana (McLagan) Redden we refer to. She along with Howard Hight was on the Database Team for the MCHS Sixties Reunion at Old Mill Toronto in 2015.
Any help from site visitors, with regard to the captions, will be much appreciated.
So many memories! Some good, some not so good! How sweet we all look in the 6th and 7th grade photos. We sure bounced around a lot school-wise before we finished high school. I had hoped to travel from western Colorado to the 2015 Malcolm Campbell High School reunion in Toronto, but didn’t make it. (I believe I chickened out.) Found this website when, for some reason, I was thinking about Diane Falco and Barbara Fabian.
The MCHS 2015 reunion turned out well, Jeanne. I like to think you joined us in spirit. It was good to be in touch with you by email during the planning of the event. I remember Diane Falco; the name Barbara Fabian is familiar also. Do you have any news updates on them?
With recent help from Tim Hewlings, I’ve updated some material at the website to ensure the information about The Sceptres is accurate and up to date:
Recent comments at Preserved Stories website bring to mind memories of Canadian musician Marty Butler, and of Marlborough Golf Club