Entries by Jaan Pill

Malcolm Campbell High School (Montreal) Sixties Reunion Committee met recently at Centre Street Deli in Thornhill, Ontario

Peter Mearns, Scott Munro, and Jaan Pill met on Friday, April 25, 2014 at the Centre Street Deli to discuss the next steps leading to the Malcolm Campbell High School Sixties Reunion. Peter reported that he’d checked out the Gardiner Museum in Toronto as a possible venue. He said the maximum they can handle is […]

Mississauga’s Lakeview Waterfront Connection now has a draft proposal plan ready for viewing by the public

The following information is from a recent newsletter from Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office: Mississauga Lakeview Waterfront Connection Mississauga’s Lakeview Waterfront Connection now has a draft proposal plan ready for viewing by the public. A Mississauga staff report is also attached and can be viewed online, along with the plan, at: http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/lakeviewreview [End of text from […]

The Marie Curtis Bike Park Concept Plan will be presented at a public meeting on Monday May 12 at 7 pm

We are pleased to share the following message from Janette Harvey: Good afternoon, The Marie Curtis Bike Park Concept Plan is finally ready, and will be presented at a public meeting on Monday May 12 at 7pm. The meeting notice will be circulated shortly. Location: Assembly Hall, East Room 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr. […]