Entries by Jaan Pill

Colonel Samuel Smith Park and address on Thirty Ninth Street in Long Branch featured in wiretap evidence

I was interested to learn that a recent police report related to Rob Ford’s activities mentions Colonel Samuel Smith (misspelled in the report as “Colonial Samuel’s”) Park. The report notes (p. 22 in the PDF file, which is p. 51 of the original document) that the mayor fabricated a story in which he claimed to have […]

Ormsby-Franceschini Estate now designated under the Ontario Heritage Act

Michael Harrison writes: Good Morning: I just received confirmation that the bylaw designating the Ormsby-Franceschini Estate (Mimico Estates) under the Ontario Heritage Act was passed by Toronto City Council on November 15, 2013. You can download a copy of the bylaw here: http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/bylaws/2013/law1484.pdf Michael Comment This is welcome news, and a highly significant achievement. Background […]

David Webster, who grew up in Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey), has a great recollection of local history dating back to the 1940s

Updates: Colleen O’Marra – see Comments at the end of this post – has added details about Police Chief Smythe that I read with much interest. For additional comments about Toronto-area postwar emergency housing, click here > [End]   I had the good fortune to spend a couple of hours on the morning of Dec. […]

Details are available regarding the intention to designate Wesley Mimico United Church under the Ontario Heritage Act

The redevelopment of Wesley Mimico United Church has been discussed in previous posts – including in an overview of the decision making process related to the redevelopment. I’ve been following this story, at times closely, since February 2012. The repurposing of church buildings in Toronto has been the subject of extensive research in recent years. […]

Nov. 27, 2013 community information meeting shares Inspiration Lakeview updates (I’ve added updates based on the Auditor General’s report regarding OPG)

[Updates related to a recent Ontario Auditor General report regarding OPG are available at the final section of this post.]   I was very pleased to have the opportunity to attend the Nov. 27, 2013 information update in Mississauga regarding Inspiration Lakeview. A Nov. 27, 2013 article at Mississauga.com, entitled “Infrastructure Ontario joins Inspiration Lakeview,” […]

Comment regarding Love is Better Than Hate (it was, among other things, a quote from Wilfred Laurier)

You can find an interesting Facebook comment regarding Love is Better Than Hate here. At the above-noted link you will encounter the following comment: Justin repeats the words of a revered Liberal and the NDP is indignant because Jack Layton used it once when he was dying. Something about that smacks of feigned indignation and […]