Entries by Jaan Pill

Notice of Public Meeting – April 9, 2013, 7:00 pm – Mimico 20/20 Staff Report and Secondary Plan

Following messages is from the Mimico 20/20 Team: Hello to all Mimico 20/20 Participants, I’m pleased to advise you that the Notice of Public Meeting for the Mimico-by-the-Lake 2020 Project has been published in the newspaper, the Toronto Sun, today. The staff report and Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan are scheduled to be presented to Community Council […]

Wynne responds to wind concerns. And heritage is raised. Message from Tom Millar.

The following message if from Tom Millar of Toronto: Hello….I’m e-passing this onto you because there is a public comment made by a concerned group that raises heritage in the context of ‘green energy’…..At last! and also reported by local media/newspaper “Wynne responded to a letter from Gillan Richards, executive member of Save Ontario’s Algoma Region (SOAR), […]

Additional details about Jane’s Walk can be accessed at the Jane’s Walk Category at this website

Additional details about Jane’s Walk can be found at: Jane’s Walk Click on the link above to access the general Jane’s Walk Category at the Preserved Stories website. We value your questions, comments, and suggestions regarding Jane’s Walk, which is based on the legacy of Jane Jacobs. Updates regarding this year’s Jane’s Walk will be […]

Petition to City of Cambridge – Save the historic Black Bridge! Petition by Heritage Cambridge

I strongly support the heritage efforts of Tom Millar of Toronto, who is active in projects involving heritage preservation in Ontario’s cottage country and elsewhere. The following message is from Tom Millar: Online petition now at 176 signatures! Please share and sign before we meet with #cbridge council in April. http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/save-the-historic-black-bridge … and please share this […]

Message from Matthew Premru: Mimico 20/20 Update – Final USI Report and Urban Design Guidelines (DRAFT)

Message from Matthew Premru, City of Toronto: Hello to all Mimico 20/20 Participants, I’m pleased to tell you that Urban Strategies’ Final Report for Mimico 20/20 as well as the DRAFT Urban Design Guidelines are now available on our homepage under the section Sub-Consultant Reports: http://www.toronto.ca/planning/mimico2020.htm Note, the Urban Design Guidelines will remain in draft format until such time […]

City of Toronto – Museums – Events

The City of Toronto has some great information in the category of Museums – Events. [To access the information, click on the link in the previous sentence.] As well, you can sign up for an e-Newsletter from Toronto’s Historic Museums. You can access the sign-up form at the above-noted website or by clicking here. We […]

March 8, 2013 update from Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office

Message from Councillor Grimes’ Office: Please find Councillor Grimes’ eNewsletter attached in .pdf form: March 8, 2013 [Click on link above to access the PDF file.] Time to Change Clocks – And Smoke Alarm Batteries Daylight savings time starts this weekend, when we need to turn our clocks ahead one hour. Toronto Fire Services reminds […]