Entries by Jaan Pill

Timeframe to achieve the City’s Tree Canopy Goals has been revised

The City of Toronto’s Parks and Environment Committee’s primary focus, according to the City of Toronto website, “is the natural environment, with a mandate to monitor, and make recommendations on the sustainable use of Toronto’s natural environment.” An item entitled PE17.1 Core Service Review – Revising the Timeframe to achieve the City’s Tree Canopy Goals […]

Update regarding 11 Lake Promenade. Residents are requested to send letters of opposition with copy to Councillor Grimes

As a follow-up to a previous update regarding 11 Lake Promenade, we’re pleased to share a further update. With reference to recent discussions related to the building proposal for 11 Lake Promenade: “As updated earlier the applicant has already put forth his revised proposal which was rejected by the group.” Please refer to the following files by […]

Design, Innovation & Green working group is part of Wesley Mimico redevelopment process

I’ve now attended two meetings of the Design, Innovation & Green working group, one of three committees involved with the planning process related to the redevelopment of the Wesley Mimico United Church in Mimico. Here’s a more recent update on the planning process. I became a member of this working group after I attended a design-related […]

Most recent edition of the TRCA newsletter (Shorelines) is now available

Shorelines: The most recent newsletter from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is now available. You can access the newsletter, which includes links to additional information, by clicking on the link in the previous sentence. Below are highlights (see the newsletter for full details): Lake Ontario Evenings – Tommy Thompson Park Edition (Nov.13, 2012) The next […]