De Correspondent: A New Kind of Journalism – A most inspiring May 3, 2017 Coral Project article

A May 3, 2017 Coral Project article is entitled: “De Correspondent: A New Kind of Journalism.” An excerpt reads: During the six month duration of our New to the Netherlands project, 279 members of De Correspondent each chose to meet with a newly-arrived refugee, once a month for five months. Each time they met, the […]

TRCA Flood Monitoring and Real Time Gauging: Handy online resource

Update A July 12, 2017 CBC article is entitled: Don’t drain the swamp: report says wetlands help avert flood damage: Study says leaving wetlands in their natural state can help protect communities from severe flooding.” [End]   This is handy: TRCA Flood Monitoring and Real Time Gauging  

A Residential Guide to Flood Prevention and Recovery – City of Mississauga

You can access the document here: A Residential Guide to Flood Prevention and Recovery – City of Mississauga  

Keeping a Close Eye on Our Waterways – Message from Credit Valley Conservation

I am very impressed with, and totally inspired by, the work of Credit Valley Conservation. CVC does an incredibly fine job in all areas of communications – news releases, live presentations, information displays, and workshops, to name just a few of the incredible range of areas where CVC excels. Among other things, CVC excels at collaborative […]

Rhymes for Young Ghouls screening on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm at Humber College Lakeshore Campus

The following message is from Kevin Vose-Landivar of the Aboriginal Resource Centre at Humber College Lakeshore Campus: You’re invited to our upcoming Aboriginal Movie Café. We will be screening Rhymes for Young Ghouls on Wednesday May 10th, from 1:30 to 3:30. The event will take place in the Lakeshore Aboriginal Resource Centre, Welcome Centre (Room […]

May, 10, 2016, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm – Launch of historic photo exhibit at Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre

Click here to access details about From Land to Table photo exhibit launch > Following message is from the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre: * From Land to Table: Historic photograph exhibit curated by Francis Pereira-Jardine You’re Invited! Launch & Light Reception Wednesday, May 10, 2017 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Third Floor Student Welcome & […]

Extreme Weather precautions (from The Co-operators)

You can access the message here. An excerpt reads: Severe weather may affect your region, with heavy rainfall that could potentially cause flooding, along with heavy winds and thunderstorms. We want to help protect you and your property. Please take the following precautions: 1. If possible and safe to do, move your important possessions to […]

Who was James S. Bell? Can you add more details?

I’ve had an inquiry about who James S. Bell was. I’ve tried to answer as best I can; it’s a topic that students at Lakeshore Collegiate have recently been asking about, as many of them went to James S. Bell Junior Middle School during their elementary school years. If you can add to what I […]

Long Branch has some issues related to Committee of Adjustment decisions

In a previous post, I discussed a particular issue related to the Committee of Adjustment, on a particular street in Long Branch. Not being acquainted with all of the details related to the case, I will omit the particulars of the case and instead will share the following comments. I have heard many bad-news stories […]

Local Appeal Body will replace OMB in Toronto: Message from Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes

Following message is from Councillor Grimes’ Office: Dear Neighbour, City of Toronto creates local appeal body to expedite land use hearings The City of Toronto has established an independent local appeal body to provide quick and efficient hearings on appeals of land use decisions made by the Committee of Adjustment. On May 3, the Toronto […]