Conserving Long Branch, November 2017 – David Godley

David Godley sent out the following message on Nov. 7, 2017; I share it today (without formatting) for the record: Attachments: lbudcomments to cc minor variance Greetings from Long Branch 1 Long Branch Urban Design Guidelines The Planning Department prepared their report and shared this with Long Branch Neighbourhood Association on November 6 2017. IMPORTANT […]

Staff report regarding Long Branch Character Guidelines deferred at Dec. 8, 2017 Toronto Council meeting; slated to go to Council in January 2018

I have been following with interest the next steps for the staff report regarding the Long Branch Character Guidelines. At about 2:15 pm on Friday, Dec. 8, 2017 at Toronto Council, on a motion from John Filion acting on behalf of Mark Grimes, it was decided that the the above-noted staff report will be referred […]

Holiday Events just around the corner: MPP Peter Milczyn (Dec. 15, 2017 Open House; Jan. 20, 2018 New Year’s Levee)

Franklin Horner Community Centre program delves into history of Etobicoke’s lakeshore communities – Dec. 6, 2017 Etobicoke Guardian article

A Dec. 6, 2017 Etobicoke Guardian article by Cynthia Reason is entitled: “South Etobicoke Historical Voyage sails on to Alderwood: Franklin Horner Community Centre program delves into history of Etobicoke’s lakeshore communities.” First-rate article by Cynthia Reason I am very impressed with how this article is put together, with how it is constructed. One part flows […]

OPP reviewing allegations involving Toronto Ward 5 Councillor Justin Di Ciano – Dec. 8, 2017 CBC article

A Dec. 8, 2017 CBC article by John Lancaster is entitled: “OPP reviewing allegations involving Councillor Justin Di Ciano, sources say: Di Ciano denies wrongdoing, claims he is the victim of ‘a criminal act’”. A pull-quote in the article notes: Councillor Di Ciano has a long and close relationship with Dunpar. It has been a relationship that has been both financially […]

Acorn in a Nutshell: December 2017 Celebrations and Reflections – Architectural Conservancy Ontario

You can access the December 2017 ACO update here. Among the items (I’ve broken the first paragraph into shorter ones) is: ACO Stratford-Perth Branch ACO Stratford-Perth was busy in 2017 raising money for a documentary film entitled GRAND TRUNK — A City Built on Steam, Stratford, Ontario. We received a grant from the Ontario 150 […]

Long Branch Character Guidelines final staff report awaits debate at Toronto Council (Update: It’s been deferred)

Update: A more recent post is entitled: Staff report regarding Long Branch Character Guidelines deferred at Dec. 8, 2017 Toronto Council meeting; slated to go to Council in January 2018 [End]   The Long Branch Character Guidelines final staff report is on the agenda for the City of Toronto Council meeting that takes place on […]

MPP Peter Milczyn Dec. 1, 2017 e-News Update

To view this e-News Update in your browser click here The opening lines read: Dear Neighbour, Once again, this year I will be participating in the Etobicoke-Lakeshore Santa Claus parade. The parade is on Saturday, December 2nd, starts at 10:00 am at Dwight Avenue and Lake Shore Blvd, and moves west along Lake Shore Blvd, […]

Nov. 30, 2017 Consultation on Laneway Housing, at Council Chambers, Toronto City Hall, was well attended and productive

A recent post is entitled: Consultation on Laneway Housing – Nov. 30, 2017; starts 6:30 pm, Council Chamber, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West Although I do not live in a neighbourhood that has a lot of lanes, I am very keen to learn about Laneway Houses, Coach Houses, and Small Houses of all kinds. […]

As residents, neighbourhoods, and societies, we become what we imagine ourselves to be

The concept that we become what we imagine ourselves to be (or what we pretend ourselves to be) is from a quote in a book by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. The concept also brings to mind a line from William Blake, who speaks of people who became what they beheld. I came across both concepts somewhere […]