The Russian propaganda guide to stealing your roommate’s burrito – June 7, 2018 Global Comment article

I follow Toomas Hendrik Ilves @IlvesToomas, who was the President of the Estonian Republic from 2006 to 2016, on Twitter. In a recent tweet, Toomas Hendrik Ilves referred to the following article, which I am pleased to share with you. The Russian propaganda guide to stealing your roommate’s burrito The June 7, 2918 Global Comment […]

Extreme Cities (2017) is one of four books about cities reviewed in April 18, 2018 New York Times article

An April 18, 2018 New York Times article is entitled: “Four Books Explore Various Aspects of Cities Past and Present.” Among the books is Extreme Cities: The Peril and Promise of Urban Life in the Age of Climate Change (2017), which I have referred to at a previous post entitled: I became interested in The […]

I have begun to view We Were Soldiers (2002), while pausing to read The Water Will Come (2017)

I have begun to view a DVD, borrowed from the Toronto Public Library, entitled We Were Soldiers (2002). I have previously discussed the DVD at a post entitled: We Were Soldiers (2002) is pretty accurate, notes Robert Mueller, who seldom mentioned his Marine service. According to the Toronto Public Library, the DVD was produced in […]

Game Misconduct (2018); CEO Society (2018); and Cocoa (2018).

The current post is concerned with Game Misconduct (2018); CEO Society (2018); and Cocoa (2018). I enjoy these books because they explore basic themes that interest many people. The first book on my list, Game Misconduct: Injury, Fandom, and the Business of Sport (2018), explores sacrifices made by professional athletes in support of fandom. An excerpt […]

Lakeview Waterfront Update from Credit Valley Conservation

Click here to access a May 31, 2018 Lakeview Waterfront Update from CVC > The opening text for the CVC message reads: We’re making great progress towards creating our new 26-hectare conservation area on the Mississauga waterfront. Learn more about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Update. [End] Commentary I have, as I have noted at […]

Trump / Russia: A Definitive History (2018): An apt companion piece to Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (2015)

Trump / Russia: A Definitive History (2018): An apt companion piece to Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (2015) Updates A July 13, 2018 Atlantic article is entitled: “The Russians Who Hacked the 2016 Election: Robert Mueller’s latest indictment reaches back to the origin story for the investigation into interference.” A Dec. 8, 2018 Guardian […]

Metrolinx Response Re: Mimico GO Station (Message from Mimico Residents Association)

Click here to access the full Mimico Residents Association newsletter > The opening message (I’ve broken the longer text into shorter paragraphs) reads: Metrolinx Response Re: Mimico GO Station In February, Metrolinx released a new business case analysis that included the recommendation to create a new Park Lawn GO Station in addition to operating the […]

The history of land-use planning in Regent Park reflects the worldwide history of land-use planning

A May 16, 2018 CBC article is entitled: “Decision quietly made by Toronto Community Housing sparks concern in Regent Park: TCH acknowledges it should have told residents sooner new developers could be moving in.” The concluding paragraphs of the article read: With the agency committing to be more transparent with its decisions, resident Michelle Basha […]

Unofficial pop-up auto museum on Thirtieth St. between Horner Ave. and Lake Shore Blvd. West

I have a keen interest in local history and in recent years, I’ve had the opportunity to explore it at some length, through uploading posts to my website, making presentations, and organizing Jane’s Walks. Local history is a recent interest for me; it’s an interest that I just happened to fall into. The topic of […]

A clarifying statement from the Jane’s Walk Steering Committee (I can add: I very much like the open-ended quality of Jane’s Walk)

The following May 11, 2018 email message is from the Jane’s Walk Steering Committee; my own Commentary follows below. Title of email: Jane’s Walk’s future is bright. A clarifying statement from the Steering Committee. * A word from the Jane’s Walk Steering Committee Dear Toronto, Yesterday we sent out an email that requires clarification. Most […]