The Cottage Years, in celebration of 135th Anniversary of Long Branch, Ontario – Aug. 21 to Sept. 28, 2019 Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre

Severance at 70 Thirty Sixth St. refused by TLAB (Message from Long Branch Neighbourhood Association)

Memories of walking along Davisville Ave. in Toronto in 1975

Article review: Shifting gears: TOCore and Midtown in Focus – Novae Res Urbis, June 14, 2019

June 2019 Long Branch Update from David Godley

Hoffmeyer’s Mill in Sebringville, Ontario, serves a specialized, niche market for reproductions of doors and windows for century-old houses

Land-use decision making offers a unique avenue for historical analysis – in Stratford, as elsewhere

Long Branch updates from David Godley (March, April, May 2019)