Oct. 11, 2014 Toronto Star “More voices on Oct. 27 election” includes perceptive letter from David Godley of Long Branch

The article can be accessed here. In his letter (see link above), David Godley writes: I note that author Jordan Whelan is a marketing person who can be selective of facts. John Tory’s priority is the Scarborough Subway which is not supported by experts involved directly in transportation planning. It also needs each household to […]

View of the Lakeshore from Kipling to Etobicoke Creek

John Easton has forwarded a great link, for which we owe many thanks, which provides a view of the Lakeshore from Kipling to Etobicoke Creek: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.582897825112504.1073741839.559985550737065&type=1  

Join David Juliusson for Culture Days bike ride: From Sept. 26 to Sept. 28, 2014, Culture Days will be held in South Etobicoke.

David Juliusson recently circulated a text about an upcoming event, which I am pleased to share with you: From September 26 till 28th, Culture Days will be held in South Etobicoke. More than 80 events are planned to celebrate the unique former communities of Long Branch, New Toronto and Mimico. One event will be a […]

Fort York Visitor Centre exhibit includes photos of the Long Branch Aerodrome and aerial shots of Long Branch

I was very pleased to recently receive emails from David Juliusson and Michael Harrison in connection with John Boyd’s album of First World War photographs. You can access the album at the Toronto Archives at this link. When you click on the photos they don’t enlarge very well but you do get a general idea […]

Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry’s 100th anniversary event – Sept. 7, 2014 public reception

The Autumn 2014 issue of Arms2Arts, the newsletter of the Small Arms Society in Lakeview (Mississauga) can be accessed here: Arms2Arts Fall 2014 Newsletter A personal invitation from Bob Cutmore, Small Arms Society Chair, to join the Society for Two Special Events The following text by Bob Cutmore, to which I’ve added a heading, is […]

When Britain burned the White House

I have an interest in military history including the history of the British empire. My interest in the latter empire stems from the fact that Colonel Samuel Smith, who fought on the British side in the American Revolutionary War, in 1797 built a log cabin a one-minute walk from where I live in Long Branch (Toronto […]

Jim Bray of Long Branch (Toronto) enjoyed racing stock cars in the 1950s

Some years ago, I got a phone call from Jim Bray, who used to live on Villa Road in Long Branch. As a result of the call, I got to know Jim Bray and his daughter Sandy Bray. The latter member of the family recently arranged for a Jim Bray Long Branch mini-tour which took […]

Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment (PPCLI) Memorial Baton Relay – Sept. 7, 2014

The following text, which I’m pleased to share with you, was forwarded to me by David Juliusson:   PPCLI Memorial Baton Relay September 7, 2014, 10 am Trinity Church, 26 Stavebank Road N., Mississauga Canada’s famous Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry [that is, the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment] (PPCLI) is celebrating 100 years of service. […]

Aerodrome plaque in Lakeview and mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East

Military history mural at Small Arms Ltd. building in Mississauga

I much enjoy viewing the mural, related to military history, located at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East in Mississauga. This is an impressive and engaging work of art, presented in what I like to characterize as an open-air art gallery. This post focuses on some of the details featured in the mural. You can click […]