If you live outside of Long Branch, and support the objectives of the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, you can join as an associate (non-voting) member

Michael Mizzi, a senior planning manager at the City of Toronto, was guest speaker at Long Branch Neighbourhood Association AGM, Nov. 18, 2020 – TRANSCRIPT

Michael Mizzi, a senior planning manager at City of Toronto, spoke about “missing middle” at Nov. 18, 2020 Long Branch Neighbourhood Association AGM

77 Thirty Fifth Street TLAB decision warrants a close read: ‘From a planning perspective, it is not desirable nor appropriate to allow a development at the expense of damage (if not removal) of two mature trees that are not on the Subject Property’

For anybody interested in oral history, a 2012 paper by Sheyfali Saujani warrants a close read: Empathy and Authority in Oral Testimony: Feminist Debates, Multicultural Mandates, and Reassessing the Interviewer and her “Disagreeable” Subjects

Zoom session about Long Branch and climate change – Thursday, July 23 @ 7 – 8pm followed by Q&A

Important Information to Long Branch Residents about Recent Letters from Builders

Toronto Local Appeal Body decision regarding 80 Twenty Third St. in Long Branch now available