Comment from C. O’Marra regarding Colonel Smith’s artifacts

I’m pleased to share with you the following comment from C. O’Marra: The Museum For Human Rights in Manitoba now sits on top of a treasure trove of ancient native artifacts.Construction went ahead in spite of these early finds.Thousands of items have been located around the site and photographed for the public. One can only […]

Message from David Switzer regarding City Planning “Outreach” at Sherway Gardens, September 6, 2013 – 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

The Lakeshore Planning Council has shared the following message from David Switzer of Long Branch: I will be going to the City Planning Department “Outreach” at Sherway on Friday, September 6, 11am to 3pm. I feel that the most important overall and long term change City Planning can do is adapt Paul Ainslie’s proposal for […]

Marie Curtis Park – Bike Skills Park – September 11, 2013 Public Information Meeting

Information about the proposed Bike Skills Park is available here. The text from the latter Canadian Cycling Magazine site reads as follows: City officials are looking for input on the design of a new bike park in the southwest corner of Toronto. Marie Curtis Park is located at the mouth of Etobicoke Creek, where the […]

August 11, 2013 interview with Jim Tovey, Ward 1 Councillor in Mississauga, regarding Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project

Update (Dec. 9, 2014): There has been discussion in the past for the soil that is being removed from the Hanlan Project to be used for Inspiration Lakeview as part of the process of extending the shoreline southward into Lake Ontario. In that regard, things have changed a bit, as I understand. Here’s my current […]

July 2013 newsletter features an update regarding the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project

The following text is based upon a July 2013 supplementary newsletter of the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project, which I picked up on an August 5, 2013 visit to an Information Display about the project. Community consultations I’ve followed many stories involving community consultation in recent years. One can think of a continuum. At one end […]

Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Outreach – Lakefront Promenade Park – Sat., Aug. 10 & Sat., Aug. 24, 2013

The following message is from Inspiration Lakeview: Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment – Project Outreach The Region of Peel and Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) appreciates your continued interest and participation in the planning of the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Environmental Assessment (LWC Project EA), an exciting and important project that seeks to create a new natural […]

August 5, 2013 Lakeview Waterfront Connection Information Displays at Marie Curtis Park focused on community engagement

I have been following the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment project for some time. Many other people are more involved with the details and more knowledgeable about the project than I am.  My role, as a volunteer, is primarily to offer one means, among many others, for residents to learn more about the project. Communications […]

Aug. 5, 2013 Information Display related to Marie Curtis Park (including sand beach) features a valuable overview

In an earlier post I referred to Information Displays related to the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Environmental Assessment project. I attended the Aug. 5, 2013 Information Display at Marie Curtis Park and was impressed with the quality of information that was shared, and with the means by which it was communicated. I will share information from […]

Reminder from Councillor Mark Grimes: Lakeshore Mardi Gras this weekend!!!

The following message is from Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office: Just a reminder that this weekend is the 10th annual Lakeshore Mardi Gras! Singles, couples and families will enjoy the refreshing open-air ambience of the Lakeshore Mardi Gras in a natural park setting in the heart of the beautiful Lakeshore community. Taking place over a four-day […]

Message of July 26, 2013 regarding Information Displays related to Marie Curtis Park (including the Sand Beach topic)

The following message of July 26, 2013 is from Michael Charendoff, Coordinator, Watershed Projects, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority: [It’s taken me until July 30 to post it as I am on a Summer Schedule in my volunteer work at the Preserved Stories website.] Message from Michael Charendoff: Good afternoon, The Region of Peel and […]