Four Jane’s Walks will be held along the Lakeshore on May 5 – 6, 2012

Four Jane’s Walks will be held in Mimico, New Toronto, and Long Branch on the weekend of May 5 – 6, 2012. The walks are held each year to coincide with Jane Jacob’s birthday. Jane’s Walks are in the nature of a conversation, as contrasted to a top-down delivery of facts and information. We invite […]

Update from the office of Councillor Grimes regarding the emerald ash borer

As a follow-up to an earlier post, are pleased to share with you the following information update from the office of Ward 6, Etobicoke-Lakeshore Councillor Mark Grimes: * An updated report went through the City of Toronto Council last week: EAB Update The cost to the city by 2018 will be 860,000 trees and 5.2 million […]

Homeowners wishing to use a TreeAzin injection to protect their ash trees from ash borer are advised to contact

Clock here for other posts about emerald ash borer >   We are pleased to share with you the following information from the office of Ward 6, Etobicoke-Lakeshore Councillor Mark Grimes:  * Thank you for your questions about the Emerald Ash Borer in Ward 6 and Long Branch in particular. The following Emerald Ash Borer […]

We look forward to the May 16, 2012 “Etobicoke and 1812” lecture by Denise Harris

The Long Branch Historical Society looks forward to participating in the May 16, 2012 Etobicoke and 1812 lecture by Denise Harris, president of the Etobicoke Historical Society. The event, in commemoration of the War of 1812, will take place at the Mimico Centennial Library. We are pleased to promote the lecture to our members and […]

The OMB decision for 61 Long Branch Ave. favours the proposed severance

An OMB decision regarding 61 Long Branch Ave. has been posted at the OMB website. As a person interested in ensuring that Long Branch will in time achieve a Heritage Conservation District designation, I read with interest this comment (p. 3) from the decision: The planners agreed that the area is not a heritage district […]

Thomas Hasan, David Juliusson, and others are now planning Heritage Bike Rides

In recent weeks Mike James  — co-leader of a May 6, 2012 Long Branch Jane’s Walk — and I have met with Thomas Hasan, David Juliusson, and others regarding the planning of Heritage Bike Rides in Long Branch, New Toronto, Mimico, elsewhere in Toronto, and in Mississauga. Please feel free to contact Thomas Hasan for […]

Networking is a skill that one develops as a result of extensive practice

We’ve discusssed seven key things we had learned by the fifteen-year mark in our twenty-five years of community organizing. Current projects offer us opportunities to learn a few more things. 1. Some people excel at strategic thinking It’s valuable to have the opportunity to consult with individuals who excel at strategic thinking. 2. Motivation is a key variable […]

Some projects are too big for one or two people to do on their own

I’ve been involved in volunteer work, with a focus on community organizing, for twenty-five years. After fifteen years as a volunteer active at the local, national, and international levels, I spent several years making keynote presentations at conferences, sharing what I had learned. Usually I would talk about seven key principles. 1. Some projects are too […]

CBC and BBC are good resources for a study of journalistic practices

We owe many thanks to Daniele Rossi for sharing with us the following BBC overview regarding contributors, access agreements, and editorial independence As well, he has shared with us a link dealing with the CBC’s policies regarding journalistic standards and practices as they relate to interviews. We have spent several years planning for the design […]

Planning and research are part of doing one’s homework

My work as a volunteer has a strong intellectual component. Much of what I do involves extensive work. Strategic thinking is another key ingredient. Usually I consult with people who have more experience than I do, in order to develop a strategic plan that is suitable for a given situation. Aside from engaging in strategic […]