Recent comments at Preserved Stories website bring to mind memories of Canadian musician Marty Butler, and of Marlborough Golf Club

I strongly support the idea of large-scale high school reunions; I would suggest you set up an organizing committee at once

Memorial text for Reverend Malcolm A. Campbell, D.D.; we owe many thanks to Bob Carswell for access to this archival document

In order to keep busy, retired Concordia University history professor Graeme Decarie writes a blog 3 times a week on current events

Biographical sketch of the Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm A. Campbell, after whom Malcolm Campbell High School is named

Next MCHS Kitchener luncheon is on June 7, 2019 at Mandarin restaurant at 4220 King St. East (Kitchener)

Question from Darryl Wade regarding Marlborough Golf Club in Cartierville