An occasional Newsletter from Preserved Stories.

The Journal of Fluency Disorders is a great resource for research related to stuttering

Abstracts from recent issues of the Journal of Fluency Disorders offer a great way to keep up to date on recent research about stuttering. The abstracts also offer highlights regarding recent research about the available treatment options for fluency disorders — including stuttering as well as cluttering. Science Direct also offers abstracts for a wide […]

The March 20, 2012 meeting of the Long Branch Historical Society will be held at James. S. Bell Junior Middle School

In the mid-1980s, young Calgary lawyer Michael Niven was out of a job because of a severe stutter

In the mid-1980s, young Calgary lawyer Michael Niven was out of a job because of a severe stutter. He attended a three-week speech clinic in Edmonton, returned to Calgary, and set up his own highly successful law firm. He’s one of the co-founders of the Canadian Stuttering Association. He was MC at the recent 25th Anniversary […]

Todd Saunders has built remarkable structures on Fogo Island, Newfoundland

I was very impressed with the following correction in a recent New York Times article entitled “The 41 Places to Go in 2011.” The correction read as follows: “The cover article on Jan. 9 about the 41 places to go in 2011 gave the incorrect nationality of an architect who is designing a series of […]

The three-minute (well, actually six-minute) talk at the ISTAR 25th anniversary event went beautifully

I much enjoyed the ISTAR 25th anniversary event in Edmonton on March 3, 2012. Here are some comments regarding the presentation, which I’ve described in previous blog posts, that I made in Edmonton, as one of several spaekers: “The delivery of your presentation was just great. You were so relaxed and had a great connection […]

Councillor proposes to save historic features of buildings by transporting them to Scarborough museum

We’ve received a message recently about a topic on the City of Toronto Economic Development Committee agenda. According to a message we’ve received, the proposal would not supersede Heritage Preservation but rather is intended to create an architectural ‘museum’ if the buildings are slated for demolition or renovation: At this a request has been made for a […]

How can we ensure that Mimico residents have the opportunity to offer meaningful input regarding Mimico 20/20?

How can we ensure the local community has the opportunity to offer meaningful input during the Mimico 20/20 planning process? This was a key question that emerged at a December 7, 2011 public meeting related to Mimico 20/20. A recent public meeting involving two presentations, seven workshops, and a plenary session on Saturday, February 11, 2012 […]

Ormsby/Franceschini Estate qualifies as one of Mimico’s most significant heritage resources

The following overview has been prepared by Michael Harrison. One of the most significant heritage resources in the Mimico 20/20 revitalization area is the Ormsby/Franceschini Estate, now the Amedeo Garden Court apartment complex. The existing heritage elements of the Ormsby/Franceschini Estate were listed under the Ontario Heritage Act in 2006. On April 1, 2011 the […]

For my 3-minute talk, I’ve added a paragraph about what I learned at ISTAR

In response to feedback on my earlier drafts, I’ve added a paragraph about my experiences in Edmonton in July 1987. I’ve removed a few words elsewhere in order to stay within the 3-minute limit. My next step has involved calculating how quickly I would need to speak in order to deliver the text within 3 minutes. My […]

I’m pleased I’ve been getting good feedback on the draft of my 3-minute talk

Here’s the most recent version of the 3-minute talk that I’ll be presenting in Edmonton early in March 2012. I really enjoy the process of rehearsing and developing such a talk. I’ll be using a stopwatch to ensure I’m exactly on target in terms of the length. __________________________________________________________________________   Good evening. I began to stutter at […]