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1176 search results for: Ontario


Heritage Conservation Districts – More Stories of Success. Heritage Resources Centre

News Release Heritage Conservation Districts – More Stories of Success Toronto, January 10, 2013 – The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) has completed the second phase of a study on Heritage Conservation Districts across Ontario, and once again determined that they do indeed work. Building on the findings of Heritage Districts Work! Phase 1, which examined the […]


From William Morris: Building conservation and the Arts and Crafts cult of authenticity 1877-1939 (2005)

From William Morris (2005), which addresses the history of heritage preservation in the United Kingdom – and elsewhere as in New England and Cyprus – is fourteenth in a series of occasional volumes dedicated to studies in British art. This study is of interest in the context of the history of British imperialism and world military history. […]


Along the shore (Jane Fairburn 2013)

Update: In response to the post you are now reading, we’ve received additional information, from Jim Carr and Catherine O’Marra, regarding the motorcycle featured in the photograph. [End of update] A recent project has involved tracking down information related to the photograph on this page. The caption refers to the radial bridge over Highway 2 […]


TRCA now recruiting new watershed committee

In the following text I’ve switched some words from uppercase to lowercase and have changed the paragraph structure. As well I’ve added some subheadings. TRCA used to call itself the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It now tends to call itself Toronto and Region Conservation. I’m pleased to share with you the following message from […]


Etobicoke waterfront stormwater management facilities study. Lakeview waterfront connection study: Meeting on Jan. 22, 2013.

Etobicoke waterfront You can find information here regarding the Etobicoke waterfront stormwater facilities project. Information about the municipal class environmental assessment (EA) study related to this facilities study is available here. A document related to the study has been placed on record between Jan. 10 and Feb. 11, 2013. If you have any “outstanding issues,” you […]


December 2012 newsletter of Built Heritage News (Catherine Nasmith)

The current newsletter of Built Heritage News can be found at this website. The newsletter includes information about the Gore Park Streetwall in Hamilton. Some highlights from the newsletter (click on the link at the top of this page to read more): Feature Stories Raise The Hammer: Hamilton – Gore Park Buildings December 5, 175th Anniversary […]


September 12, 2012 Healthy Dose of Green forum: Final Report

Sept. 12, 2012 Healthy Dose of Green forum In an earlier blog post, I shared background about the Trees for Life project. On September 12, 2012 I had the good fortune to attend a Healthy Dose of Green forum described below: Health Forum Report Final Following the September 2012, meeting, a small group was convened to […]