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Gail Howell de Vries’ best friends at MCHS were Lynda Spence, Barclay Allan, Dawson Campbell, Brent Holden, Linda McCracken, Bruce McKay

Myrth GAIL Howell de Vries has added a comment to a previous page dealing with the MCHS 2015 reunion that as held on Oct. 17, 2015 in Toronto. “So sad to hear that I missed the 2015 Reunion. My family left Quebec, in 1963, and so have not been in contact with classmates from 1960-1963. […]


LAMP community kitchen may be in jeopardy after Wesley Mimico Place development cancelled – Jan. 21, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian

A Jan. 28, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Rising heritage costs, bureaucracy the main reasons behind Wesley Mimico Place project’s cancellation: Mixed-use facility was to house seniors apartments and a community kitchen.” A Jan. 21, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “LAMP community kitchen may be in jeopardy after Wesley Mimico Place development cancelled: […]


LAMP Community Health Centre receives Ontario Trillium Foundation grant to build an industrial kitchen at Wesley Mimico United Church – Jan. 13, 2015 Etobicoke Guardian

Please note these updates: LAMP community kitchen may be in jeopardy after Wesley Mimico Place development cancelled – Jan. 21, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian A Jan. 28, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Rising heritage costs, bureaucracy the main reasons behind Wesley Mimico Place project’s cancellation: Mixed-use facility was to house seniors apartments and a community […]


The Productivity Project (2016) by Chris Bailey. To get more done, strive for imperfection.

A passage by Chris Bailey (pp. 4-5) in The Productivity Project (2016) describes campuses in the 1960s and 1970s that were built without any paths: “During the 1960s and 1970s, the University of California at Irvine was one of a group of universities that decided to build their campuses without any paths. (I went to school in Canada, […]


Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena known for pioneering social housing projects wins 2016 Pritzker prize

A Jan. 13, 2016 Guardian article is entitled: “Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena wins 2016 Pritzker prize.” The subhead reads: “Social housing visionary, who engaged residents in designing their own homes, urges architects to address issues of poverty, pollution and segregation.” Alejandro Aravena: architect, equaliser, el visionario The opening paragraph reads: “The radical Chilean architect Alejandro […]


Studies regarding mass killing during Guatemalan civil war

A Jan. 6, 2015 Guardian article is entitled: “Ex-Guatemalan officials arrested over civil war killings and abuses” The subhead is entitled: “The suspects face charges of crimes against humanity involving massacres and disappearances of people by security forces under their command.” A Jan. 16, 2016 New York Times article is entitled: “Guatemala Arrests Former Military Officers […]


The Past, Present and Future of Falun Gong. A lecture by Benjamin Penny at the National Library of Australia, 2001

I’ve recently been reading The Religion of Falun Gong (2012) by Benjamin Perry. A blurb for the book at the Toronto Public Library reads: “In July 1999, a mere seven years after the founding of the religious movement known as the Falun Gong, the Chinese government banned it. Falun Gong is still active in other […]