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58 search results for: mchs lunch


An informal get-together for MCHS 2015 attendees (and other MCHS grads) will take place on Oct. 16, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Stay Inn

Conference Room at Stay Inn On Sept. 21, 2015 we received confirmation that the Conference Room at the Stay Inn is indeed available for us starting at 7:30 pm on Friday evening, Oct. 16, 2015. At that time and location, we will have an informal getting-together of alumni and spouses who will be attending the reunion on the […]


The MCHS 2015 Event Committee met on July 28, 2015 in St. Williams, Ontario; our next meeting is in Kitchener on Sept. 9

At our meeting on July 28, 2015 in St. Williams, Ontario at the farm homestead of Gina and Dan Cayer, the Event Committee had a great time having lunch, learning about pigeons and horses, getting the stories straight about some of the MCHS grads over the years, and figuring out how to arrive at a […]


Arleen Chenoll (MCHS ’63) shares additional photos from Malcolm Campbell High School

Arleen Chenoll (MCHS ’63) contacted Howard Hight and Diana Redden after they sent out Newsletter #20 to the MCHS 2015 Database list; Arleen’s message led us to post the following item at the MCHS 2015 website: February 1963 photo from Malcolm Campbell High School at recess or lunch outside in the school yard Arleen Chenoll […]


If you are an MCHS 60s grad, you are cordially invited to add your name to the MCHS 60s Reunion database

We are now working on the planning for the music, playlist, and entertainment details for the Malcolm Campbell High School 60s Reunion and Celebration of the 60s that will take place at Old Mill Toronto on Oct. 17, 2015. Any person who attended MCHS at any point in the 1960s – including students who graduated […]