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567 search results for: OMB


Ontario proposes legislation to amend the Planning Act – Restoring local decision making to municipalities

The following text is a Special Edition of MPP Milczyn E-news. You can also access the document here.   Ontario proposes legislation to amend the Planning Act – Restoring local decision making to municipalities Dear Neighbors, Please read this special edition of E-news from my office carefully, as it is about very important changes to […]


Who will defend neighbourhoods? Letter from David Godley in March 5, 2015 Toronto Star

The following letter to the editor from David Godley is from the March 5, 2015 Toronto Star: Re: Tory’s executive committee in battle over new city staff positions, March 2 Tory’s executive committee in battle over new city staff positions, March 2 Councillor Michelle Berardinetti’s move to eliminate new staff positions is shortsighted. It will open […]


Elvis remarked: “The image is one thing and the human being is another.”

The Elvis Presley quote is from: Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything? When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash (2015). I borrowed the book from the Toronto Public Library because evidence is of interest to me: Evidence has value to the extent it is solid, verifiable, and corroborated by other solid evidence Eat your vegetables; the research […]


We support community-driven urban planning at the City of Toronto

We support community-driven urban planning at the City of Toronto. We support urban planning that accords with the Official Plan for the City of Toronto. We do not support the concept that developers are qualified to serve as de facto urban planners in neighbourhoods across the City of Toronto. There is value in community self-organizing. […]


CBC The Current: Income inequality shows the 1% will soon own 50% of all wealth, says Oxfam

Updates: A Jan. 29, 2016 Guardian article is entitled: “Was there ever a time when so few people controlled so much wealth?” An April 5, 2016 Foreign Policy article is entitled: “Taxpayers of the World, Unite! The Panama Papers confirm that the world’s elite cheat, lie, and steal. Will the masses finally do something about […]