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511 search results for: Heritage Toronto


Principles of a Jane’s Walk

For the Jane’s Walks that I was involved during May 2012, I figured out the basic principles by speaking with staff at the Jane’s Walk organization. As part of the planning process, I also spoke with Denise Harris, Heritage Officer at the Etobicoke Historical Society, about the principles involved in the organizing of Heritage Walks. […]


Item EY21.49 regarding Mimico 20/20 was adopted by Etobicoke York Community Council on Jan. 22, 2013

Item EY21.49 regarding Mimico 20/20 can be found here. [To read the item in its original format, click on link in previous sentence.] The text [I’ve broken some longer text blocks into shorter paragraphs] reads as follows: Tracking Status This item was considered by the Etobicoke York Community Council on January 22, 2013 and adopted without amendment. It […]


Architectural Conservancy of Ontario calls upon Province to protect Gore Park – Jan. 21, 2013 news release

Following photo and text is from the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario:   Ontario – January 20, 2013: Ontario’s preeminent built heritage organization has formally requested that the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport exercise his authority under the Ontario Heritage Act to block the demolition of streetwall along Hamilton’s central Gore Park. Gore Park has […]


From William Morris: Building conservation and the Arts and Crafts cult of authenticity 1877-1939 (2005)

From William Morris (2005), which addresses the history of heritage preservation in the United Kingdom – and elsewhere as in New England and Cyprus – is fourteenth in a series of occasional volumes dedicated to studies in British art. This study is of interest in the context of the history of British imperialism and world military history. […]


TRCA now recruiting new watershed committee

In the following text I’ve switched some words from uppercase to lowercase and have changed the paragraph structure. As well I’ve added some subheadings. TRCA used to call itself the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It now tends to call itself Toronto and Region Conservation. I’m pleased to share with you the following message from […]


Kitsilano Secondary School’s 1927 building street facade will be retained

The following text (see below) concerning Vancouver’s Kitsilano Secondary School, which appears to have been written before the fall of 2010, is from the Canadian Heritage Foundation website. Here’s an update on plans for the school. A heritage conservation plan has been published. This article indicates that Heritage Vancouver is pleased with the plan developed since 2010. This […]


Support the ACO (Architectural Conservancy of Ontario) as yet another major block of history is threatened: Text from ACO newsletter

The following text is from the newsletter of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario. Past President Lloyd Alter writes: It’s deja vu all over again as another major block of historic buildings are threatened, this time in Hamilton. Just like in Brantford a few years ago, the buildings were not designated, so the developer is able […]