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1877 search results for: new toronto


World Health Organization recommends that no more than 5 percent of your caloric intake – that is, 25 grams – should come from sugar

I often drive by 198 New Toronto St. in south Etobicoke where Lantic Sugar is located. The first link in the sentence above gives you a Google Street view of the location. The second link gives you an overview describing how sugar is refined. Whenever I drive by the Lantic Sugar plant, I think of […]


Biography of David Hornell of Mimico

Colleen O’Marra writes: Just reading a fascinating biography of Mimico-born David Hornell. That name might not be familiar to our community or Toronto for that matter. Hornell joined the RCAF, flew over 60 missions and became the first RCAF recipient of the Victoria Cross in 1944. The medal was awarded posthumously to his widow. Hornell […]


Colonel Samuel Smith Park and address on Thirty Ninth Street in Long Branch featured in wiretap evidence

I was interested to learn that a recent police report related to Rob Ford’s activities mentions Colonel Samuel Smith (misspelled in the report as “Colonial Samuel’s”) Park. The report notes (p. 22 in the PDF file, which is p. 51 of the original document) that the mayor fabricated a story in which he claimed to have […]


Doors Open event at Small Arms on Sept. 28, 2013 will feature an estimated 3,000 attendees

On Aug. 17, 2013, I spoke with Bob Cutmore, a key organizer of the Sept. 28, 2013 Doors Open event at the historic Small Arms Ltd.building in Mississauga. Mississauga Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey has described the Doors Open event at an earlier blog post. Among other things, I’m looking forward to this year’s Doors Open because […]